An Introduction to Analysis of Financial Data with R
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Python for Finance.英文版(1st Edition.Yves Hilpisch)Analyze Big Financial Data.pdf
2021-09-13 20:16:32 13.6MB Python Financ Yves  Hilpis
A fresh take on financial data visualization for greater accuracy and understandingYour data provides a snapshot of the state of your business and is key to the success of your conversations, decisions, and communications. But all of that communication is lost — or incorrectly interpreted — without proper data visualizations that provide context and accurate representation of the numbers. In Visualizing Financial Data, authors Julie Rodriguez and Piotr Kaczmarek draw upon their understanding of information design and visual communication to show you how to turn your raw data into meaningful information. Coverage includes current conventions paired with innovative visualizations that cater to the unique requirements across financial domains, including investment management, financial accounting, regulatory reporting, sales, and marketing communications.,解压密码
2021-09-06 16:08:43 10.14MB 英文
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