Edward R. Tufte关于数据可视化的经典教材。 The development of perspective by Florentine architects during the 15th-century Italian Renaissance was a special gift to the world of visual thinking, for now people could see diverse objects located in a geometrically correct context.
2021-12-17 02:33:22 19.26MB 数据分析 数据可视化
pytorch LRP的实现 PyTorch对线性层和卷积层的一些层明智相关性传播(LRP)规则[1、2、3]的实现。 这些模块装饰了torch.nn.Sequential , torch.nn.Linear和torch.nn.Conv2d ,以便能够使用autograd算法来计算说明。 安装 要安装需求,请参阅文件。 如果使用conda ,则可以通过执行以下命令来安装称为torchlrp的环境: > conda env create -f requirements.yml 为了能够如下所示导入lrp ,请确保路径中包含TorchLRP目录。 用法 该代码可以按如下方式使用: import torch import lrp model = Sequential ( lrp . Conv2d ( 1 , 32 , 3 , 1 , 1 ), torch . nn
2021-06-22 11:18:34 58.52MB pytorch explanations xai lrp
Grad-CAM:Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization论文原文加翻译
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PMI ACP考试英文题库,1000多道题,稀缺资源。 PMI-ACP Exam Prep Questions, Answers & Explanations 1000+ Practice questions with detailed solutions
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