DOS Network Technical Whitepaper英文版白皮书,DOS Network支持多条主流公链的去中心化预言机服务网络
2023-08-27 17:27:18 945KB 区块链 预言机
2023-04-03 10:56:53 914KB H.264 MPEG4 WhitePaper
OCPP 1.6 中关于安全相关的新增内容,中文版,自己翻译,如果需要word版本,请联系
2023-03-18 14:12:17 2.24MB OCPP中文版
Ray目前相当热的分布式,高性能计算平台工具。通过其早期的1.x版本的白皮书可以很好的理解Ray一开始的架构设计,便于深入理解Ray这个框架。 目前Ray版本最新版本为2.2。 Ray 1.x Architecture (old) Ray Team, September 2020 Ray v2.0 has been released! Please view the updated whitepaper here. This document is public; please use "Viewing" mode to avoid accidental comments. The goal of this document is to motivate and overview the design of the Ray distributed system (version 1.0+). It is meant as a handbook for: Ray users with low-level system quest
2023-02-11 16:01:06 4.42MB 分布式计算 云计算
CCC Digital Key - The Future of Vehicle Access An increasing customer demand is seen for accessing and starting vehicles with smartphones. Existing apps for smartphones to control and manage access to our vehicle have used different, non-interoperable approaches with varying degrees of convenience, security, and privacy protection. Passive electronic key fobs are widely used, but you still need one for each car you own. With increasing focus on our phones, a key fob is just one more thing.
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NVIDIA GeForce-GTX-750-Ti-Whitepaper.pdf
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2022 AI数字人未来十大展望(2022 AI digital man whitepaper).pdf
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NVIDIA ampere GPU 内部结构揭秘,非white paper
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Previous generations of mobile networks enabled voice, data, video, and other life-changing services. In comparison, 5G will change our society by opening up the telecom ecosystem to vertical industries. 5G will help vertical industries to achieve the “Internet of Everything” vision of ubiquitously connected, highly reliable, ultra-low latency services for massive number of devices. Service-guaranteed network slicing introduced in this white paper is one of the essential features for 5G to achieve this vision. Key players from operators, vendors, and vertical industries have come together to establish a common understanding on service-guaranteed network slicing in terms of the vision, end-to end (E2E) solution, key enabling technologies, and the impacts for vertical industries. This white paper describes the thinking on network slicing in 5G
2021-12-11 20:19:49 1.43MB 5G 白皮书