2024-03-21 09:41:17 43.5MB ffmpeg 音视频播放器
SDL Trados软件SDK开发包 The SDL Trados 2007 Desktop SDK, Version March 2007 Introduction Sample code uses Visual Basic 6 or C#. The API reference notes co-classes rather than interfaces. Libraries Tag Settings Manager API Location: TradosSettingsManager.dll, which can be found in the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder. TRADOS Filter Manager API Location: The relevant DLL can be found in the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder on the client side. TagEditor API Location: TagEditor.exe, which can be found in the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder. TagEditor Message Collection API Location: TradosMessageCollection.dll, which can be found in the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder. TRADOS S-Tagger (Framemaker) API Location: TradosSTaggerFAPI.dll, which can be found in the FI/FM sub-folder of the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder. TRADOS S-Tagger (Interleaf) API Location: TradosSTaggerIAPI.dll, which can be found in the FI/IL sub-folder of the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder. TRADOS Translator's Workbench (TW4Win) API Location: Tw4win.exe, which can be found in the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder. TRADOStag API API Location: TRADOStagApi.dll, which can be found in the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder. TRADOS XConvert API Location: TradosXConvert.dll, which can be found in the SDL Trados Translation Tools installation folder. SDK Support Please note that the SDK is provided as is and for use at your own risk. SDL does not provide support and consulting services unless expressly agreed upon in a support & maintenance contract. Copyright © 2007 SDL International. All rights reserved.
2024-01-11 17:17:37 245KB SDK
本程序实现了视频文件的解码和显示(支持HEVC,H.264,MPEG2等)。是最简单的FFmpeg视频解码方面的教程。通过学习本例子可以了解FFmpeg的解码流程。 项目包含两个工程: simplest_ffmpeg_player:标准版,FFmpeg学习的开始。 simplest_ffmpeg_player_su:SU(SDL Update)版,加入了简单的SDL的Event。 这显示该程序的最终版,除了支持VC2010之外,也支持如下几种编译方式: cl.exe命令行编译; mingw编译; gcc编译; gcc(MacOS)编译; 此外修复了个别操作系统(例如Ubuntu)中绿屏的问题
2023-06-27 16:38:19 16.94MB FFmpeg SDL 视频 解码
2023-06-27 16:31:10 20.61MB FFMPEG、SDL
2023-06-18 16:04:10 14.57MB FFmpeg SDL
【FFmpeg编程实战】(4)实现FFmpeg4.3 + SDL2视频播放器(音频+视频播放)(C++) https://ciellee.blog.csdn.net/article/details/109034360
2023-06-16 15:16:37 57.7MB FFmpeg
2023-06-16 13:25:16 76.5MB FFMPEG SDL
2023-05-30 21:28:33 644KB 哈哈
2023-05-11 23:42:17 30.55MB SDL 文字显示
Eclipse Android 例子源码 SDL Android 例子源码可用工程,实测编译通过在模拟器运行(SDL 2.0 for Android),工程目录名叫AndroidTst2,编译通过可用, sdl source code for android android source code for sdl 2.0 这个工程的文件夹名字是: AndroidTst2,是一个测试SDL初始化的例子,需要注意的是你需要搭建好开windows 的Android开发环境: 1. JDK 2. Android SDK 3. NDK 下载最新版的,我的用的是NDk r9c。 此工程我本人亲自编译通过,有在模拟器上运行,运行结果是模拟器:屏幕显示全红色(480x512的像素显示红色)。 此工程基于sdl 2.0 主要是.JNI工程,通过java,用c写图形在android上跑,相信sdl以后还对不会写java的人有很大参考价值和帮助.
2023-05-06 17:34:21 3.59MB android SDL 源码 source