OneUI是个基于Bootstrap超级灵活的UI框架 ,使您能够快速构建你的后端和前端页面使用和强大的布局,这是为了尽可能节省你的时间,完全模块化和许多独特的特性,它将帮助您构建您的下一个很棒的产品。
2023-12-09 09:07:58 52.23MB OneUI
OneUI基于Bootstrap的管理模版和UI框架 含PHP源码,含说明文档
2023-11-19 09:05:51 20.64MB OneUI UI框架
oneui4.0 最新版模板,(文档 + 静态html&php;资源模板),基于Bootstrap4.0的UI框架
2023-11-09 09:05:15 78.68MB oneui bootstrap
是一款仿的 高端大气上档次,喜欢的朋友可以下载
2023-10-17 09:11:05 30.03MB oneui whmcs whmcs模板 小鸟云
最新版的 OneUI 4.2管理后台 内含完整HTML静态、PHP原生、Laravel三个版本,方便前端开发使用 以下为英文介绍: OneUI is a super flexible Bootstrap 4.x admin dashboard template and UI framework with Laravel support that will enable you to build all kinds of pages using the same fast and powerful layout. It was built with Sass and ECMAScript 6 (ES6), and comes packed with smart developer tools such as webpack 4, Babel 7, Gulp 4, Autoprefixer and Browsersync. It is one of our best sellers and was recently Remastered from the ground up. OneUI comes packed with both HTML and PHP versions to help you rocket start your project your way. A Laravel Starter Kit is also included to help you build your Laravel based project. It can be used to create the UI for all kind of projects: Web Applications, Backend Websites, Websites, Custom Admin Panels, Admin Dashboards, CMS, CRM or even a Portfolio, Blog, Business Website. We encourage you to have a good look at live preview and discover all the included features.
2022-03-30 20:11:42 75.94MB oneui 后台模板 bootstrap laravel
2022-02-26 21:20:51 6.12MB OneUI 后台模板 bootstrap html
whmcs鸟云模板oneui v2.7.1 完整包完全免费下载
2022-01-24 19:05:36 30.36MB whmcs鸟云模板oneuiv
国外比较出名的oneui-admin 3.3的版本包括 纯HTML版 PHP版 AngularJS版本
2021-11-14 13:07:45 83.3MB oneui AngularJS bootstrap
商业模板4.9(2021)版本,包括1.4版本Vue 以及4.9版本HTML,PHP,Laravel;OneUI 1.4 (Vue Edition),OneUI 4.9 Source (HTML),OneUI 4.9 Source (PHP),OneUI 4.9 Source (Laravel Starter Kit)
2021-08-20 14:05:50 131.77MB Oneui OneuiAdmin Oneui4.9 OneuiAdmin4.9
OneUI 3.4 by pixelcave OneUI 3.4 后台模板 Bootstrap模板 (含AngularJS及PHP版本)
2021-06-17 17:50:22 83.72MB OneUI 3.4