2024-05-13 19:19:04 82.45MB 数据集
2022-09-20 09:47:48 236.09MB 语音数据
NoiseX-92完整版,内附噪声说明文档。 采用原始采用率19980Hz封装的wav文件,请使用MATLAB或Audition打开,直接使用播放器可能不支持这个采样率。 另有19980HZ采样率的波形文件,可直接通过音频播放器播放。 用于语音增强、音源分离、语音可懂度增强、语音合成、语音识别等在噪声环境下的鲁棒性检测。
2022-08-26 21:03:58 204.9MB 噪声数据库
含有十五种噪声,Noise data White noise Pink noise HF channel noise Speech babble Factory floor noise 1 Factory floor noise 2 Jet cockpit noise 1 Jet cockpit noise 2 Destroyer engine room noise Destroyer operations room noise F-16 cockpit noise Military vehicle noise Tank noise Machine gun noise Car interio
2021-07-12 08:37:42 98.37MB 噪声库
很有用的噪声库,可进行语音信号处理的离线仿真测试等 File: Matlab or WAV formats (compressed) sampling rate: 19.98 KHz A/D: 16 bit pre-filter: anti-aliasing filter pre-emphasis: none filter: none duration: 235 sec length (uncompressed): approx 9 Mb (uncompressed) 白噪声:White noise White Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per Hz. bandwidth. 车内噪声:volvo Volvo 340 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). This recording was made at 120 km/h, in 4th gear, on an asphalt road, in rainy conditions. 军用车辆噪音:Military vehicle noise Leopard 2 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The Leopard 1 vehicle was moving at a speed of 70 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 114 dBA. 坦克内部噪声:Tank noise M109 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The M109 tank was moving at a speed of 30 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 100 dBA. 餐厅内嘈杂噪声:speech babble Voice Babble acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The source of this babble is 100 people speaking in a canteen. The room radius is over two meters; therefore, individual voices are slightly audible. The sound level during the recording process was 88 dBA. 高频信道噪声:HF channel noise Recording of noise in an HF radio channel after demodulation 粉红噪声:pink noise Pink Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per 1/3 octave. 机枪噪声:Machine gun noise Machine Gun noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The weapon used was a .50 calibre gun fired repeatedly. 工厂车间噪音1:Factory floor noise 1 Factory noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor
2021-03-19 21:31:07 98.39MB Noise 噪声库 深度学习 DNN
NoiseX-92完整版,内附噪声说明文档。 采用原始采用率19980Hz封装的wav文件,请使用MATLAB或Audition打开,直接使用播放器可能不支持这个采样率 用于语音增强、音源分离、语音可懂度增强、语音合成、语音识别等在噪声环境下的鲁棒性检测。 本资源有别于官网http://spib.linse.ufsc.br/noise.html最新提供的mat文件,是老版wav资源还可以下载时收集的,比mat文件使用起来更方便。
2019-12-21 21:26:34 81.82MB NoiseX-92 噪声数据库 语音
含有 NoiseX-92噪声库-完整版(wav格式): https://download.csdn.net/download/u012933021/10836240 以及(mat格式): http://spib.linse.ufsc.br/noise.html 100种环境噪声库: http://www.pudn.com/Download/item/id/3457634.html These nonspeech, environmental sounds can be used as nonspeech noises for evaluating speech segregation systems, among others. They are available in waveform, and can be downloaded in one ZIP file. The contents are: N1-N17: Crowd noise N18-N29: Machine noise N30-N43: Alarm and siren N44-N46: Traffic and car noise N47-N55: Animal sound N56-N69: Water sound N70-N78: Wind N79-N82: Bell N83-N85: Cough N86: Clap N87: Snore N88: Click N88-N90: Laugh N91-N92: Yawn N93: Cry N94: Shower N95: Tooth brushing N96-N97: Footsteps N98: Door moving N99-N100: Phone dialing
2019-12-21 20:43:24 196.4MB Noisex-92噪声库 100种环境噪声库
很多人都找这个 我上传一下吧 用matlab做语音处理 的噪音库
2019-12-21 18:50:33 14.36MB Noisex-92 噪音库 语音识别 语音处理