S7-1500T 通过软件在环在 NX MCD 中进行运动虚拟调试
2023-12-11 10:31:53 46.65MB
ASAM MCD-2 MC Specification V1.7 在其他资源的基础上添加了书签功能,更方便快速阅读定位
2023-12-08 16:17:12 1.78MB
This International Standard has been established in order to define the data format for transferring ECU (Electronic Control Unit) diagnostic and programming data between system supplier, vehicle manufacturer and service dealerships and diagnostic tools of different vendors. Today's situation in the automotive industry mostly utilizes an informal description to document diagnostic data stream information of vehicle ECUs. Each user, who desires to use the ECU diagnostic data stream documentation
2023-03-21 10:17:07 5.34MB ODX ODXStudio 诊断数据库 售后诊断仪
文档全称:ASAM_XCP_MCD-2 MC(ASAP2&A2L)_Data Model for ECU Measurement and Calibration_V1.7_20150226,介绍: 1、A2l描述文件的格式; 2、ASAM MCD-2 MC元语言; 3、与MCD-1和MCD-3标准的关系,以及描述数据的划分.
2023-01-05 16:40:15 1.46MB ASAM ASAP2 XCP A2L
ASAM MCD 2D (ODX) has been established in order to define the requirements of transferring ECU(Electronic Control Unit) diagnostic and programming data between system supplier, vehicle manufacturer and service dealerships. Today's situation in the automotive industry mostly utilizes paper documentation to document diagnostic data stream information of a vehicle ECU. Each user utilizing the ECU diagnostic data stream documentation to setup development tools or service diagnostic test equipment n
2022-11-26 16:16:19 3.1MB ODX 诊断数据库 车载诊断 售后诊断仪
Mechatronics Concept Designer中文手册,MCD的英文手册Mechatronics Concept Designer Quickstart and User翻译
2022-06-20 15:48:41 10.65MB NX MCD MCD 机电一体化仿真
ASAM MCD-1 (XCP) Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol
2022-06-08 17:02:54 295KB ASAM
MCD功能 本文用视频和文档简单介绍了mcd的 功能和开发方式,及其应用场景!
2022-03-28 22:14:36 98.56MB mcd
vericut training 3_axis_mill_fanuc.mcd vericut training 3_axis_mill_fanuc.mcd
2022-03-20 10:53:30 14KB  COM
古典马氏距离用作检测离群值的方法,并且受离群值影响。 通过快速MCD估计器,提出了一些健壮的马氏距离。 但是,MCD估计器的偏差会随着尺寸的增加而显着增加。 在本文中,我们提出了在高维数据下基于更鲁棒的Rocke估计器的改进的Mahalanobis距离。 数值模拟和实证分析的结果表明,当数据中存在异常值且数据维数很高时,与上述两种方法相比,本文提出的方法能够更好地检测数据中的异常值。
2022-02-22 10:55:06 2.51MB MCD估算器 洛基估计器 离群值 马氏距离