提出了一种新型的基于Sagnac干涉仪的双向Sagnac分布式光纤传感器,可对传感光纤线路上的扰动进行检测与定位。阐述了该分布式光纤传感系统的组成和工作原理。利用基于最小均方(LMS)算法的自适应时延估计方法直接在时域上对扰动信号进行定位。理论分析和测试结果表明,该分布式光纤传感器能快速、有效地实现扰动信号的检测及定位。算法简单易实现,具有较高的测试灵敏度和定位精度,最大定位误差小于20 m。
2023-02-23 09:56:57 2.01MB 光纤光学 分布式光 自适应时 fiber
作者: Bottacchi, Stefano 出版年: 2009-1 页数: 854 定价: 1658.00元 ISBN: 9780470060612 内容简介 · · · · · · A comprehensive reference to noise and signal interference in optical fiber communications Noise and Signal Interference in Optical Fiber Transmission Systems is a compendium on specific topics within optical fiber transmission and the optimization process of the system design. It offers comprehensive treatment of noise and intersymbol interference (ISI) components affecting optical fiber communications systems, containing coverage on noise from the light source, the fiber and the receiver. The ISI is modeled with a statistical approach, leading to new useful computational methods. The author discusses the subject with the help of numerous applications and simulations of noise and signal interference theory. Key features: Complete all-in-one reference on the subject for engineers and designers of optical fiber transmission systems Discusses the physical principles behind several noise contributions encountered in the optical communications systems design, including contributions from the light source, the fiber and the receiver Covers the theory of the ISI for the binary signal, as well as noise statistics Discusses the theory and the mathematical models of the numerous noise components (such as optical noise, photodetection noise and reflection noise) Introduces the frequency description of the ISI and provides new calculation methods based on the characteristic functions Provides useful tools and examples for optimum design of optical fiber transmission networks and systems This book will serve as a comprehensive reference for researchers, R & D engineers, developers and designers working on optical transmission systems and optical communications. Advanced students in optical communications and related fields will also find this book useful.
2023-02-12 00:52:49 156.19MB Optical Fibe
利用Lumerical FDTD对光纤进行仿真,对单模光纤进行初步的仿真
2022-10-21 10:51:52 2.57MB fdtd_lumerical fiber lumerical 光纤仿真
文中基于耦合模理论和简化的阶跃折射率单模光纤三层模型的包层模理论,提出了长周期光纤光栅的传输谱特性仿真的主要步骤及 matlab程序实现,为长周期光纤光栅的数值仿真提供了一种简便的方法
无源和有源光纤器件的终极工具 RP Fiber Power是一款功能强大的建模软件,用于设计和优化光纤器件 – 特别是光纤放大器和激光器以及其他类型的波导激光器,还有光纤耦合器,多芯光纤,螺旋芯光纤和锥形光纤。 该软件提供有效的传播和数值光束传播。还可以研究超短脉冲传播,例如在光纤放大器系统,锁模光纤激光器,电信电缆和自动优化的脉冲压缩器中。 RP Fiber Power是为高级用户提供的多功能工具,但同时(特别是自定义表格的V6以来)也非常适合那些没有(或尚未)进入该领域专家的用户。 对于任何认真对待光纤器件的人来说,这都是必须的 – 无论是在工业发展,科学研究还是教育方面。 其用户界面结合了极大的灵活性和简单的启动。 因此,它同样适用于高效的例行检查和大多数复杂的模拟工作。
2022-07-20 14:06:02 9.77MB 光学仿真
台球桌 一个基本的台球游戏,使用React,三个js和react-three-fiber以及从头开始的相当粗略的物理引擎实现。 但是,这不是一个完整的游戏。 可以进行很多改进和改进。 演示版 可以在找到有效的演示 在本地运行 克隆仓库。 npm install npm start
2022-05-25 10:15:27 20.19MB react game threejs billiards
React三根光纤的例子-fps react-three-fiber-example-fps是react-three-fiber的第一人称射击游戏的示例 安装 使用软件包管理器或安装依赖项。 npm/yarn install 用法 从开发模式开始 npm run start 量产 npm run build 运行测试 npm run build 从CRA退出 npm run build 贡献 欢迎提出请求。 对于重大更改,请先打开一个问题以讨论您要更改的内容。 执照
2022-05-25 09:57:08 370KB TypeScript
Fiber Optic Sensors,一本关于光纤传感的书籍
2022-05-14 18:02:34 3.26MB Fiber Optic Sensors
Fiber Diameter Distribution.zip,这是一份不错的文件
2022-04-29 13:00:51 789KB 源码软件 文档
Since the 4e appeared, a fast evolution of the field has occurred. The 5e of this classic work provides an up-to-date account of the nonlinear phenomena occurring inside optical fibers, the basis of all our telecommunications infastructure as well as being used in the medical field. Reflecting the big developments in research, this new edition includes major new content: slow light effects, which offers a reduction in noise and power consumption and more ordered network traffic-stimulated Brillouin scattering; vectorial treatment of highly nonlinear fibers; and a brand new chapter on supercontinuum generation in optical fibers.
2022-04-27 20:34:47 20.6MB nonlinear Fiber-Optic Comm