The second edition of Space Vehicle Dynamics and Controls includes over 260 pages of new material on the recent advances in dynamical modeling and control of advanced spacecraft such as agile imaging satellites equipped with control moment gyros, solar sails, and space solar power satellites. All of the new material contained in the second edition is based on my own or coauthored technical papers published in the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics and/or presented at various technical meetings during the past 10 years. Minor typographical errors of the first edition have been corrected. All of the material of the first edition, except the bibliography, has been retained.
2021-08-11 16:42:46 10.27MB Bong Wie Dynamics Control
流浪的地球-春节12奉 春节十二响 Github第三交通委提醒您:博文千万条,版权第一条。转载不规范,博主两行泪。 前几天看完流浪地球,被李长条的春节十二响惊到了,这几天看了下别的博主写的开源伪代码(嵌入了框架),试着用CMD实现了模拟的行星发动机注意,Linux下请删除windows.h头文件,否则加载计数器会导致计时错误,在Windows可以直接运行,运行.c文件即可 部分代码 演示效果 *执行这一步前请先确认系统为linux或Windows *
2021-03-24 21:05:32 41KB 系统开源
2019-12-21 19:41:19 8.06MB 智能手环SDK