时间序列分析预测小工具。自回归模型分析,卡尔曼滤波自回归模型,AIC, BIC, FPE, MDL, SBC, CAT, PHI自回归模型检验。The TSA toolbox is useful for analysing Time Series. - Stochastic Signal processing - Autoregressive Model Identification - adaptive autoregressive modelling using Kalman filtering - multivariate autoregressive modelling - maximum entropy spectral estimation - matched (inverse) filter design - Histogram analysis - Calcution of the entropy of a time series - Non-linear analysis (3rd order statistics) - Test for UnitCircle- and Hurwitz- Polynomials - multiple signal processing - Several criteria (AIC, BIC, FPE, MDL, SBC, CAT, PHI) for model order selection an autoregressive model are included. - Fast algorithms are used - missing values (encoded as NaN's) are considered
2023-02-27 14:57:20 101KB Time Series Anal matab
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IntelliDroid__A_Targeted_Input_Generator_for_the_Dynamic_Analysis_of_Android_Malware 网络与基础架构安全 威胁情报 安全分析 安全管理 安全对抗
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QAXA 是一套用于 X 射线吸收定量分析的程序。 它是为多Kong介质中多相流的实验测量而开发的,但它可用于涉及 X 射线吸收光谱的许多应用。
2021-07-10 16:03:08 912KB 开源软件