SES # TOPICS KEY DATES Lec 00 Introduction and Course Overview Lec 01 Bezier Curves and Splines Assignment 0 Lec 02 Curves Properties and Conversion, Surface Representation Lec 03 Coordinates and Transformations Lec 04 Hierarchical Modeling Lec 05 Color Assignment 1 Lec 06 Basics of Computer Animation—Skinning/Enveloping Lec 07 Particle Systems and ODEs Lec 08 Particle Systems and ODE Solvers II, Mass Spring Modeling Assignment 2 Lec 09 Implicit Integration, Collision Detection Lec 10 Collision Detection and Response Quiz Lec 11 Ray Casting and Rendering Lec 12 Ray Casting II Lec 13 Ray Tracing Lec 14 Acceleration Structures for Ray Casting Assignment 3 Lec 15 Shading and Material Appearance Lec 16 Texture Mapping and Shaders Lec 17 Sampling, Aliasing, and Mipmaps Lec 18 Global Illumination and Monte Carlo Assignment 4 Lec 19 Image-Based Rendering and Lighting Lec 20 Output Devices Lec 21 Graphics Pipeline and Rasterization Lec 22 Graphics Pipeline and Rasterization II Lec 23 Real-time Shadows Lec 24 Graphics Hardware and Computer Games Assignment 5
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