AutoCAD 2018中文版基础到高级全套视频教程04 提升篇 9节.zip
2022-04-18 10:03:27 676.69MB 音视频
AutoCAD 2018中文版基础到高级全套视频教程02 进阶篇 15节.zip
2022-04-18 10:03:26 634.78MB 音视频
AutoCAD 2020机械设计零基础视频教程
2022-04-13 18:06:21 231.66MB 视频教程
AutoCAD 2020机械设计零基础视频教程
2022-04-13 18:06:20 210.02MB 视频教程
人工智能产业得以快速发展,无论是算法的实现、海量数据的获取和存储还是计算能力的体现都离不开目前唯一的物理基础——芯片。可以说,“无芯片不 AI”,能否开发出具有超高运算能力、符合市场需求的芯片,已成为人工智能领域可持续发展的重要因素。
2022-03-27 11:28:07 2.68MB 人工智能芯片 fpga asic 人工智能
2022-02-22 21:01:56 1.12MB UL2271中文版 锂电池 轻型电动车
本文主要包括九方面内容 :第 1 章为发展 AI 芯片产业的战略意义以及白皮书基本内容概述。第 2 章综 述了 AI 芯片的技术背景,从多个维度提出了满足不同场景条件下 AI 芯片和硬件平台的关键特征。第 3 章 介绍近几年的 AI 芯片在云侧、边缘和终端设备等不同场景中的发展状况,总结了云侧和边缘设备需要解决 的不同问题,以及云侧和边缘设备如何协作支撑 AI 应用。第 4 章在 CMOS 工艺特征尺寸逐渐逼近极限的 大背景下,结合 AI 芯片面临的架构挑战,分析 AI 芯片的技术趋势。第 5 章讨论了建立在当前 CMOS 技 术集成上的云端和终端 AI 芯片架构创新。第 6 章主要介绍对 A
2021-10-24 21:08:53 3.8MB 芯片 白皮书
DLMS/COSEM 中文版本,2018-12-28 发布,包括如下部分: 1、GBT17215.610-2018电测量数据交换DLMS-COSEM组件第10部分智能测量标准化框架.pdf 2、GBT17215.631-2018电测量数据交换DLMS-COSEM组件第31部分基于双绞线载波信号的局域网使用.pdf 3、GBT17215.646-2018电测量数据交换DLMS-COSEM组件第46部分使用HDLC协议的数据链路层.pdf 4、GBT17215.653-2018电测量数据交换 DLMS-COSEM 组件第53部分DLMSCOSEM 应用层.pdf 5、GBT17215.661-2018电测量数据交换 DLMS-COSEM组件第61部分对象标识系统(OBIS).pdf 6、GBT17215.662-2018电测量数据交换 DLMS-COSEM组件第62部分:COSEM接口类.pdf 7、GBT17215.676-2018电测量数据交换DLMS-COSEM组件第76部分基于HDLC的面向连接的三层通信配置.pdf 8、GBT17215.697-2018电测量数据交换 DLMS-COSEM组件第97部分基于TCP-UDPIP网络的通信配置.pdf
2021-09-24 11:43:46 206.17MB DLMS
Agile Practice Guide* provides tools, situational guidelines and an understanding of the various agile approaches available to enable better results. It is especially useful for those project managers accustomed to a more traditional environment to adapt to a more agile approach. The Agile Practice Guide contains the following sections: An Introduction to Agile describes the Agile Manifesto mindset, values and principles. It also covers the concepts of definable and high-uncertainty work, and the correlation between lean, the Kanban Method and agile approaches. Life Cycle Selection introduces the various life cycles discussed in the practice guide and covers suitability filters, tailoring guidelines and common combinations of approaches. Implementing Agile: Creating an Agile Environment talks about critical factors to consider when creating an agile environment such as servant leadership and team composition. Implementing Agile: Delivering in an Agile Environment discusses how to organize a team and common practices the team can use for delivering value on a regular basis. It provides examples of empirical measurements for the team and for reporting status. Organizational Considerations for Project Agility explores organizational factors that impact the use of agile practices, such as culture, readiness, business practices and the role of a project management office (PMO). member content locked
2021-09-10 06:59:54 5.04MB PMI Project Management Agile
2021-07-29 19:04:07 3.84MB 人工智能 AI AI芯片 白皮书