适用thinkpad e430,L421等笔记本瑾的内置无线网卡 ThinkPad 1x1 11b/g/n无线网卡驱动程序(linux) Release Date: 2010-1116, ver 0005 RTL8192CE Linux driver --This driver supports RealTek rtl8192CE/8188CE PCI Wireless LAN NIC for 2.6 kernel: Fedora Core, Debian, Mandriva, Open SUSE, Gentoo, Ubuntu 7.10/8.04/8.10/9.04/9.10/10.04/10.10, moblin(V2), android-x86_090916, etc.
2023-07-09 14:41:14 1.71MB ThinkPad1x1 11b/g/n e430 l421
This specification was developed by the SFF Committee prior to it becoming the SFF TA (Technology Affiliate) TWG (Technical Working Group) of SNIA (Storage Networking Industry Association).
2022-09-06 18:46:17 422KB SFF-8613 Rev 3.5 1x1
世界所有国家的国旗 SVG 图标 共266国家 1X1和 4x3 格式 文件命名为 国家缩写 (ad.svg)
2022-08-16 21:03:26 1.44MB 全球国旗 国旗svg
小时钟 适用于 Android 的 1x1 时钟小部件 去做 删除AppCompat,因为包太大(约900K) 开发分支 测试 特拉维斯CI 执照 Copyright 2014 wak Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
2022-06-29 11:07:12 88KB Java
海洋吸收了大约 25% 的人类活动排放的大气二氧化碳。对海洋 CO2 吸收的估计为全球碳预算提供了重要的约束。该数据集包括使用神经网络估计的 1985-2019 年期间 CO2 逸度和海洋-大气 CO2 通量在 1x1 度网格中的月度分布。该数据集将每年更新,以包括最近的 CO2 观测。
2021-08-25 14:04:59 105.15MB 海洋 大气 CO2 网格
适用thinkpad L421等 ThinkPad 1x1 11b/g/n无线网卡驱动程序 Release Date: 2010-1116, ver 0005 RTL8192CE Linux driver --This driver supports RealTek rtl8192CE/8188CE PCI Wireless LAN NIC for 2.6 kernel: Fedora Core, Debian, Mandriva, Open SUSE, Gentoo, Ubuntu 7.10/8.04/8.10/9.04/9.10/10.04/10.10, moblin(V2), android-x86_090916, etc.
2021-08-16 09:14:11 1.71MB thinkpad 无线网卡驱动