2023-02-07 09:27:56 22.77MB 微积分
Database Systems Design, Implementation & Management, 13th-Carlos Coronel(2018).pdf
2022-11-03 16:03:32 52.29MB database
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Thomas' Calculus 13th Edition
2022-04-09 15:08:12 22.06MB Thomas' Calculus
The histology text the medical field turns to first -- authoritative, concise, beautifully illustrated, and completely up-to-dateMore than 600 full-color illustrationsFor more than three decades, Junquiera's Basic Histology has been unmatched in its ability to explain the relationship between cell and tissue structure with their function in the human body. Updated to reflect the latest research in the field and enhanced with more than 600 full-color illustrations, the thirteenh edition of Junqueira's represents the most comprehensive and modern approach to understanding medical histology available anywhere.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2022-03-10 14:17:16 78MB 英文
The 13th edition of Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology continues this bestselling title's long tradition as the world’s foremost medical physiology textbook. Unlike other textbooks on this topic, this clear and comprehensive guide has a consistent, single-author voice and focuses on the content most relevant to clinical and pre-clinical students. The detailed but lucid text is complemented by didactic illustrations that summarize key concepts in physiology and pathophysiology.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-12-23 15:49:01 44.36MB 英文
Thomas' CALCULUS 13th with Solutions , not pictures
2021-12-22 17:04:39 22.06MB Thomas' CALCULUS 13th with
主要代码使用从 1 阶到 13 阶的球谐函数计算地球磁场分量(在地心惯性系中)。 高斯系数取自 IGRF 第 13 代 2020。
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