输入成绩,显示出学生的学号 成绩及名次DATAS SEGMENT GRADE DB 50 DUP (?) RANK DB 50 DUP (?) STR1 DB 'please input the mark of class:','$' str2 db 13,10,'$' str3 db 'Num mark rank','$' str4 db ' ','$' str5 db 'input the number of the class(00~99):','$' NUM dw ? DATAS ENDS STACKS SEGMENT ;此处输入堆栈段代码 STACKS ENDS CODES SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODES,DS:DATAS,SS:STACKS START: MOV AX,DATAS MOV DS,AX call total call input call bijiao call print MOV AH,4CH INT 21H input proc mov cx,num mov si,0 mov dx,offset str1 mov ah,9 int 21h call huanhang D1: mov ah,1 int 21h sub al,30h cbw push cx mov cx,10 mul cx add bx,ax mov ah,1 int 21h sub al,30h cbw add bx,ax mov ax,bx pop cx mov bx,offset grade mov [bx+si],ax inc si call huanhang loop d1 ret input endp huanhang proc mov dx,offset str2 mov ah,9 int 21h ret huanhang endp bijiao proc mov si,0 sub num,1 d0: mov dl,1 mov bx,0 mov al,grade[si] d3: cmp al,grade[bx] jl d4 jmp d2 d4: inc dl jmp d2 d2: inc bx cmp bx,num jng d3 mov rank[si],dl inc si cmp si,num jng d0 ret bijiao endp print proc mov dx,offset str3 mov ah,9 int 21h call huanhang mov si,0 n2: push si inc si mov ax,si mov dh,10 div dh mov bl,ah add al,30h mov ah,2 mov dl,al int 21h add bl,30h mov ah,2 mov dl,bl int 21h call kongge pop si push si mov al,grade[si] mov dh,10 cbw div dh mov bl,ah add al,30h mov ah,2 mov dl,al int 21h add bl,30h mov ah,2 mov dl,bl int 21h call kongge pop si mov al,rank[si] cbw mov dh,10 div dh mov bl,ah add al,30h mov ah,2 mov dl,al int 21h add bl,30h mov ah,2 mov dl,bl int 21h jmp n0 n0:
2021-10-31 19:26:08 3KB 学生名次 汇编