2024-06-18 16:37:29 3KB 图像处理 matlab
This package requires Unity Pro, as it uses post-processing! Now supports Unity iOS Pro! (Device with OpenGL ES2.0 required) Highlighting System package allows you to easily integrate outline glow effect similar to those used in top AAA games. Three highlighting modes available to cover all your needs: 1. One-frame highlighting Useful for highlighting objects which are currently under mouse cursor. 2. Flashing Can be used if you need to pay attention to some objects (game tutorial item for example). 3. Constant highlighting (with fade in/out) Can be used to constantly highlight objects (pickable items or currently selected objects for example). This system works with static and skinned meshes, and is fully documented (see Documentation.pdf inside of HighlightingSystemDemo folder).
2023-10-26 16:43:01 2.1MB Highlighting 高光 插件
OpenCV在iOS端的集成及Mat和UIImage互相转化以及 使用OpenCV处理图片的亮度、对比度、曝光、高光、阴影、饱和度、色温,色相(附源码)
2023-07-12 09:23:10 274.99MB opencv 范文/模板/素材
2023-05-22 20:42:45 3KB Unity shader Ward BRDF
深色睿蓝互联网软件产品网站模板_深蓝色 软件 企业 整站 高光 按钮 ui 漂亮.rar
2022-12-23 18:22:36 203KB 模板
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2022-12-23 18:22:17 1.88MB 模板
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2022-12-22 16:21:50 392KB 模板
蓝色纹理背景精美的企业网页模板_蓝色 高光 纹理 精美 精品 软件 企业 按钮 图标 软件.rar
2022-12-22 16:21:40 351KB 模板
七彩斑斓漂亮的软件产品企业模板_炫彩 软件 产品 企业 整站 高光 漂亮 按钮.rar
2022-12-22 16:21:08 1.13MB 模板
高光蓝色科技感IT技术CSS模板_灰色 蓝色 科技 it 动画 卡通 大气 企业 整站 圆角.rar
2022-12-20 16:20:26 187KB 模板