A Heavily Commented Linux Kernel

上传者: wj16account | 上传时间: 2021-05-07 21:12:48 | 文件大小: 11.13MB | 文件类型: PDF
This book provides detailed and comprehensive comments and explanations on all source code of the early Linux kernel (V0.12), aiming to enable readers to gain a comprehensive and profound understanding of the working mechanism of Linux in a shortest possible time and to lay a solid foundation for further study of modern Linux systems. Although the version of the analysis is very low, the kernel has been able to compile and run, and it already includes the essence of the working principle of Linux. The book first briefly introduced the development history of the Linux kernel, explained the main differences between the various kernel versions and improvements, and gave the reasons for choosing the 0.12 kernel source code as the study object. Then it gives the basic knowledge needed to read the source code, outlines the hardware structure of the PC running the Linux system, the assembly language used by the kernel, the extends of C language, and focuses on the 80X86 processor in protected mode. Then we introduced the kernel code overview, given the kernel source directory tree structure, and according to the organizational structure of all kernel, programs and files are described in detail. In order to deepen the reader's understanding of the working principle of the kernel, the last chapter gives a number of related operational debugging tests. All relevant information in the book can be downloaded from the website www.oldlinux.org. This book suits as the assistant and practical teaching material of university computer major student study operating system course, also suitable for self-study reference book of Linux lovers as learning kernel operating principle, also can be used as the reference book that the general technical personnel develops the embedded system




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