A Textbook of Java Programming

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A Textbook of Java Programming By 作者: Surbhi Kakar ISBN-10 书号: 9385909665 ISBN-13 书号: 9789385909665 出版日期: 2017-12-18 pages 页数: 468 $35 This book covers all the core java concepts of java programming language. It also touches some of its advanced concepts. It starts with talking about some of the basic concepts like data types, control structures, and classes. It also discusses about exception handling, multithreading and java libraries. Further, it explains how to interact with client side applications like applets and handling events. The last section focuses on network communications through java. The book is designed to give a fillip to the concepts of java programming. Java programming has been variously conceptualized by experts across the world. The subject forms the basis for software development. Therefore, understanding the nuances of the subject occupy significance for students of Information Technology. Various books have approached the subject in their own ways. This book proposes to be an integration of the theoretical aspects of java programming complemented with the implementation of the same in real world situations. The book would be all encompassing covering the myriad aspects of the subject passing through the latest developments in the same covering the syllabus of institutions all over the country. Salient Features: Explains how to interact with client side applications like applets and handling events. Graphical user interface programming and networking using various java libraries. An integration of the theoretical aspects of java programming complemented with the implementation of the same in real world situations. Proposes to be a ready reckoner for software developers.




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