Tag-Aware Personalized Recommendation论文翻译

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本文件是论文《Tag-Aware Personalized Recommendation Using a Deep-Semantic Similarity Model with Negative Sampling》的原文翻译,是我通过 Google 翻译及我自己的理解翻译而来的。在翻译的内容中有很多英文标记的地方,便于结合原文进行理解。感谢论文原作者的辛苦实践,/bq,如有侵权,请联系我删除,谢谢~/bq。
[摘要] With the rapid growth of social tagging systems, many efforts have been put on tag-aware personalized recommendation. However, due to uncontrolled vocabularies, social tags are usually redundant, sparse, and ambiguous. In this paper, we propose a deep neural network approach to solve this problem by mapping both the tag-based user and item profiles to an abstract deep feature space, where the deepsemantic similarities between users and their target items (resp., irrelevant items) are maximized (resp., minimized). Due to huge numbers of online items, the training of this model is usually computationally expensive in the real-world context. Therefore, we introduce negative sampling, which significantly increases the model’s training efficiency (109.6 times quicker) and ensures the scalability in practice. Experimental results show that our model can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art baselines in tag-aware personalized recommendation: e.g., its mean reciprocal rank is between 5.7 and 16.5 times better than the baselines.




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