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上传时间: 2021-12-11 14:33:03
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Sailor 是一个 Lua 语言的 MVC 编程框架。支持跨平台,兼容 mod_lua 或者 mod_pLua, Nginx 的 ngx_lua, 或者任何支持 CGI 的 Web 服务器,如 Civetweb 或者 Mongoose, 前提是必须有 CGILua使用 Sailor 开发应用的目录结构如下:/conf - 存放配置文件/controllers - 控制器/layouts - 布局文件/models - 模型/pub - 静态文件/runtime - 运行时生成的临时文件/views - .lp 视图文件示例代码:local site = {}
function site.index(page)
local foo = 'Hello world'
local User = sailor.model("user")
local u = User:new()
u.username = "etiene"
u.password = "a_password"
local valid, err = u:validate() -- validate() will check if your attributes follow the rules!
if not valid then
foo = "Boohoo :("
-- Warning: this is a tech preview and some methods of model class do not avoid SQL injections yet.
page:render('index',{foo=foo,name=u.username}) -- This will render /views/site/index.lp and pass the variables 'foo' and 'name'
function site.notindex(page)
page:write('Hey you!')
return site
标签:Sailor Web框架