英文原版-Understanding LTE with MATLAB From Mathematical Modeling to Simulation and Prototyping 1st Edition

上传者: 38744207 | 上传时间: 2021-06-17 03:46:17 | 文件大小: 6.99MB | 文件类型: -
An introduction to technical details related to the Physical Layer of the LTE standard with MATLAB®The LTE (Long Term Evolution) and LTE-Advanced are among the latest mobile communications standards, designed to realize the dream of a truly global, fast, all-IP-based, secure broadband mobile access technology.This book examines the Physical Layer (PHY) of the LTE standards by incorporating three conceptual elements: an overview of the theory behind key enabling technologies; a concise discussion regarding standard specifications; and the MATLAB® algorithms needed to simulate the standard.The use of MATLAB®, a widely used technical computing language, is one of the distinguishing features of this book. Through a series of MATLAB® programs, the author explores each of the enabling technologies, pedagogically synthesizes an LTE PHY system model, and evaluates system performance at each stage. Following this step-by-step process, readers will achieve deeper understanding of LTE concepts and specifications through simulations.Key Features:• Accessible, intuitive, and progressive; one of the few books to focus primarily on the modeling, simulation, and implementation of the LTE PHY standard• Includes case studies and testbenches in MATLAB®, which build knowledge gradually and incrementally until a functional specification for the LTE PHY is attained• Accompanying Web site includes all MATLAB® programs, together with PowerPoint slides and other illustrative examples,解压密码 share.weimo.info




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