源码MATLAB Machine Learning 2017

上传者: wang1062807258 | 上传时间: 2022-10-11 13:01:20 | 文件大小: 20.46MB | 文件类型: RAR
Machine learning is becoming important in every discipline. It is used in engineering for autonomous cars. It is used in finance for predicting the stock market. Medical professionals use it for diagnoses. While many excellent packages are available from commercial sources and open-source repositories, it is valuable to understand how these algorithms work. Writing your own algorithms is valuable both because it gives you insight into the commercial and open-source packages and also because it gives you the background to write your own custom Machine Learning software specialized for your application. MATLAB® had its origins for that very reason. Scientists who needed to do operations on matrices used numerical software written in FORTRAN. At the time, using computer languages required the user to go through the write-compile-link-execute process that was time consuming and error prone. MATLAB presented the user with a scripting language that allowed the user to solve many problems with a few lines of a script that executed instantaneously. MATLAB has built-in visualization tools that helped the user better understand the results. Writing MATLAB was a lot more productive and fun than writing FORTRAN. The goal of MATLAB Machine Learning is to help all users harness the power of MATLAB to do a wide range of learning problems. This book has two parts. The first part, Chapters 1–3, provides background on machine learning including learning control that is not often associated with machine intelligence. We coin the term “autonomous learning” to embrace all of these disciplines. The second part of the book, Chapters 4–12, shows complete MATLAB machine learning applications. Chapters 4–6 introduce the MATLAB features that make it easy to implement machine learning. The remaining chapters give examples. Each chapter provides the technical background for the topic and ideas on how you can implement the learning algorithm. Each example is implemented in a MATLAB script supported by a number of MATLAB functions. The book has something for everyone interested in machine learning. It also has material that will allow people with interest in other technology areas to see how machine learning, and MATLAB, can help them solve problems in their areas of expertise.




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