Mastering PyCharm(PACKT,2015)

上传者: vanridin | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 21:32:05 | 文件大小: 6.03MB | 文件类型: zip
PyCharm is addictive, with powerful and configurable code completion, superb editing tools, top-notch support, diverse plugins, and a vibrant ecosystem to boot. Learning how PyCharm works and maximising the synergy of its powerful tools will help you to rapidly develop applications. From leveraging the power of the editor to understanding PyCharm’s internals, this book will give you a comprehensive view of PyCharm and allow you to make your own choices about which workflow and tools are best for you. You will start by getting comfortable with PyCharm and making it look exactly like you want. You can customize the tools and taskbars to suit individual developers’ coding styles. You also learn how to assign keyboard shortcuts. You will master debugging by inserting breakpoints, collecting runtime data, and debugging from the console. You will understand how PyCharm works underneath and how plugins such as Codemap, Vim, Bitbucket, Assets compressor, markdown, bash file, shortcut translator, and .gitignore leverage the power of the IntelliJ platform. You will become comfortable using the VCS interface in PyCharm and see the benefits of using it for some simple tasks as well as some more complex tasks such as partial commits using changelists. You will take an in-depth look at the various tools in PyCharm, improving your workflow drastically. Finally, you will deploy powerful PyCharm tools for Django, Flask, GAE, and Pyramid Development, becoming well acquainted with PyCharm’s toolset for web development with popular platforms. Packed with insider tricks, this book will help you boost productivity with PyCharm. What You Will Learn Understand the internal workings of the IntelliJ Platform Leverage PyCharm’s powerful search tools, and learn which ones are the best for you and your workflow Customize PyCharm’s enhanced Python interpreter and its inbuilt terminal Develop web applications quickly and easily with different frameworks such as Flask and Django Understand



  • 不做咸鱼的小蜗牛 :
  • yfdyfdyfd250 :
    好东西 不错 值得学习
  • 苦行参 :
  • fu_anmin08 :
  • 凝霜 :


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