Mastering Python Scientific Computing By Hemant Kumar Mehta 2015 | 300 Pages A complete guide for Python programmers to master scientific computing using Python APIs and tools If you are a Python programmer and want to get your hands on scientific computing, this book is for you. The book expects you to have had exposure to various concepts of Python programming. In today's world, along with theoretical and experimental work, scientific computing has become an important part of scientific disciplines. Numerical calculations, simulations and computer modeling in this day and age form the vast majority of both experimental and theoretical papers. In the scientific method, replication and reproducibility are two important contributing factors. A complete and concrete scientific result should be reproducible and replicable. Python is suitable for scientific computing. A large community of users, plenty of help and documentation, a large collection of scientific libraries and environments, great performance, and good support makes Python a great choice for scientific computing. At present Python is among the top choices for developing scientific workflow and the book targets existing Python developers to master this domain using Python. The main things to learn in the book are the concept of scientific workflow, managing scientific workflow data and performing computation on this data using Python.
2024-04-09 16:11:02 3.3MB Python
Mastering Python for Bioinformatics_
2024-02-27 18:18:02 10.27MB python Bioinformatics
2024-02-18 10:28:51 17.78MB linux
使用scikit-learn掌握机器学习-第二版 这是发行的的代码库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 本书探讨了各种机器学习模型,包括k最近邻,逻辑回归,朴素贝叶斯,k均值,决策树和人工神经网络。 它讨论了数据预处理,超参数优化和集成方法。 您将建立对文档进行分类,识别图像,检测广告等的系统。 您将学习使用scikit-learn的API从分类变量,文本和图像中提取功能; 评估模型性能; 并就如何改善模型的性能形成直觉。 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 每个文件夹均以数字开头,后跟应用程序名称。 例如,Chapter02。 该代码将如下所示: Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy U
2024-02-17 17:49:07 2.77MB JupyterNotebook
Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps - 1E (2017) Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps - 1E (2017)
2024-01-19 23:11:56 4.74MB Mastering Machine Learning Python
七、单节锂电池的应用举例 1、 作电池组维修代换品 有许多电池组:如笔记本电脑上用的那种,经维修发现,此电池组损坏时仅是个别电 池有问题。可以选用合适的单节锂电池进行更换。 2、 制作高亮微型电筒 笔者曾用单节 3.6V1.6AH 锂电池配合一个白色超高亮度发光管做成一只微型电筒,使 用方便,小巧美观。而且由于电池容量大,平均每晚使用半小时,至今已用两个多月 仍无需充电。电路如图四所示。
2024-01-18 21:14:33 658KB 电池管理
四、锂电池的充放电要求; 1、锂电池的充电:根据锂电池的结构特性,最高充电终止电压应为 4.2V,不能过充, 否则会因正极的锂离子拿走太多,而使电池报废。其充放电要求较高,可采用专用的 恒流、恒压充电器进行充电。通常恒流充电至 4.2V/节后转入恒压充电,当恒压充电 电流降至 100mA 以内时,应停止充电。 充电电流(mA)=0.1~1.5 倍电池容量(如 1350mAh 的电池,其充电电流可控制在 135~ 2025mA 之间)。常规充电电流可选择在 0.5 倍电池容量左右,充电时间约为 2~3小
2024-01-18 20:59:14 658KB 电池管理
Mastering Kali Linux for Web Penetration Testing English | 2017 | ISBN-10: 1784395072 | 338 pages | AZW3/PDF/EPUB (conv) | 31 Mb You will start by delving into some common web application architectures in use, both in private and public cloud instances. You will also learn about the most common frameworks for testing, such as OWASP OGT version 4, and how to use them to guide your efforts. In the next section, you will be introduced to web pentesting with core tools and you will also see how to make web applications more secure through rigorous penetration tests using advanced features in open source tools. The book will then show you how to better hone your web pentesting skills in safe environments that can ensure low-risk experimentation with the powerful tools and features in Kali Linux that go beyond a typical script-kiddie approach. After establishing how to test these powerful tools safely, you will understand how to better identify vulnerabilities, position and deploy exploits, compromise authentication and authorization, and test the resilience and exposure applications possess. By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with the web service architecture to identify and evade various protection mechanisms that are used on the Web today. You will leave this book with a greater mastery of essential test techniques needed to verify the secure design, development, and operation of your customers' web applications.
2024-01-01 17:35:30 31.55MB Kali Web Penetration Testing
2023-12-08 10:43:00 4.34MB Forensics
Mastering Modern Linux, 2nd Edition English | 2018 | ISBN-10: 0815380984 | 384 pages | PDF | 5 MB
2023-12-08 10:34:20 5.42MB Linux