
上传者: u013687821 | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 21:28:43 | 文件大小: 24.61MB | 文件类型: zip
IEEE Std 802.3-2012 Section One—Includes Clause 1 through Clause 20 and Annex A through Annex H and Annex 4A. Section One includes the specifications for 10 Mb/s operation and the MAC, frame formats and service interfaces used for all speeds of operation. Section Two—Includes Clause 21 through Clause 33 and Annex 22A through Annex 33E. Section Two includes management attributes for multiple protocols and speed of operation as well as specifications for providing power over twisted-pair cabling for multiple operational speeds. It also includes general information on 100 Mb/s operation as well as most of the 100 Mb/s Physical Layer specifications. Section Three—Includes Clause 34 through Clause 43 and Annex 36A through Annex 43C. Section Three includes general information on 1000 Mb/s operation as well as most of the 1000 Mb/s Physical Layer specifications. Section Four—Includes Clause 44 through Clause 55 and Annex 44A through Annex 55B. Section Four includes general information on 10 Gb/s operation as well as most of the 10 Gb/s Physical Layer specifications. Section Five—Includes Clause 56 through Clause 77 and Annex 57A through Annex 76A. Clause 56 through Clause 67 and Clause 75 through Clause 77, as well as associated annexes, specify subscriber access and other Physical Layers and sublayers for operation from 512 kb/s to10 Gb/s, and defines services and protocol elements that enable the exchange of IEEE Std 802.3 format frames between stations in a subscriber access network. Clause 68 specifies a 10 Gb/s Physical Layer specification. Clause 69 through Clause 74 and associated annexes specify Ethernet operation over electrical backplanes at speeds of 1000 Mb/s and 10 Gb/s. Section Six—Includes Clause 78 through Clause 90and Annex 83A through Annex 86A. Clause 78 specifies Energy-Efficient Ethernet. Clause 79 specifies IEEE 802.3 Organizationally Specific Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) type, length, and value (TLV) information elements. Clause 80 through Clause 89 and associated annexes includes general information on 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s operation as well the 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s PhysicalLayer specifications. Clause90 specifies Ethernet support for time synchronization protocols.



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  • saturn_jia2017 :
  • vasion8733 :
  • gang0924 :
    非常不错 谢谢
  • dragon_cdut :
  • luguodeyo :


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