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ITU-T G.729 Annex B ANSI-C Source Code Version 1.4 Last modified: November, 2000 */ TITLE ----- Fixed-point description of Recommendation G.729 with ANNEX B Coding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP) with Voice Activity Decision(VAD), Discontinuous Transmission(DTX), and Comfort Noise Generation(CNG). SOFTWARE AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ---------------------------------- This software package is provided as part of ITU-T Recommendation G.729B. Copyright (c) 1996, AT&T, France Telecom, Lucent Technologies, NTT, Rockwell International, Universite de Sherbrooke. All rights reserved. The copy of the source C code, version 1.4, is given under Copyright of the authors, only for the purpose of establishing the specification of a codec. VERSION ------- This is version 1.4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Differences between Version 1.2 and Version 1.1 : In version 1.2, tab_dtx.h, tab_dtx.c, vad.c and calcexc.c were updated as per Corrigendum to annex B of G.729 published in COM 16-R20 of june 1997. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Differences between Version 1.3 and Version 1.2 : file : DEC_LD8K.C ***************** Version 1.2 lines 147 to 149 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(bfi == 1) if(past_ftyp == 1) ftyp = 1; else ftyp = 0; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- replaced in Version 1.3 by lines 147 to 149 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(bfi == 1) { if(past_ftyp == 1) ftyp = 1; else ftyp = 0; *parm = ftyp; /* modification introduced in version V1.3 */ } file : BITS.C ************* function : read_frame() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2 line 221-226 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* the hardware detects frame erasures by checking if all bits are set to zero */ parm[0] = 0; /* No frame erasure */ for (i=0; i < serial[1]; i++) if (serial[i+2] == 0 ) parm[0] = 1; /* frame erased */ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- replaced in Version 1.3 by lines 219-230 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This part was modified for version V1.3 */ /* for speech and SID frames, the hardware detects frame erasures by checking if all bits are set to zero */ /* for untransmitted frames, the hardware detects frame erasures by testing serial[0] */ parm[0] = 0; /* No frame erasure */ if(serial[1] != 0) { for (i=0; i < serial[1]; i++) if (serial[i+2] == 0 ) parm[0] = 1; /* frame erased */ } else if(serial[0] != SYNC_WORD) parm[0] = 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Differences between Version 1.4 and Version 1.3 : In Version 1.4 the initialization of lspSid in dec_sid.c has been updated according to the Corrigendum to Annex B of G.729 published in COM 16-R 60-E. In terms of functionality, only the file dec_sid.c has changed. For compilation purposes the two makefiles were changed, and the version number was changed in coder.c and decoder.c. The changes from Version 1.3 to Version 1.4 do not affect the test vectors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------- This package includes the files needed to build the fixed point version of the G.729 codec with VAD/DTX/CNG as described in ANNEX B. It includes also the PC executable (coder.exe and decoder.exe), a batch file (test.bat), speech (test.inp) and data files (test.bit and test.syn) to verify the execution. The binary reference files are in PC format. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES WITH G.729 --------------------------------------- Common files with G.729 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ acelp_co.c basic_op.c de_acelp.c dec_gain.c dec_lag3.c dspfunc.c filter.c gainpred.c lpcfunc.c lspgetq.c oper_32b.c p_parity.c pitch.c post_pro.c pre_proc.c pred_lt3.c pwf.c qua_gain.c basic_op.h oper_32b.h typedef.h File extracted from G.729 file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ taming.c Files in G.729 but modified for ANNEX B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bits.c cod_ld8k.c coder.c dec_ld8k.c decoder.c lpc.c lspdec.c pst.c qua_lsp.c tab_ld8k.c util.c ld8k.h tab_ld8k.h Files only in ANNEX B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ calcexc.c dec_sid.c dtx.c qsidgain.c qsidlsf.c tab_dtx.c vad.c dtx.h octet.h sid.h tab_dtx.h vad.h COMPILATION ----------- Edit the file typedef.h to comply to your target platform For UNIX systems the following makefiles are provided coder.mak decoder.mak Edit the makefiles coder.mak and decoder.mak to set the proper options for your system. The command to compile and link all code on a UNIX system is make -f coder.mak make -f decoder.mak For other platforms, the *.mak files can be used to work out the compilation procedures. This code has been successfully compiled and run on the following platforms: Platform Operating System Compiler ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEC ALPHA OSF/1 DEC OSF/1 cc SGI IRIX 5.2 cc SUN SUNOS 4.1.3 gcc PC DOS 6.2 Borland 4.02 Microsoft Quick C 2.5 Microsoft Visual C++ 1.51 Watcom 10.6 PC DOS 6.21 Borland 3.1 Microsoft 8 Watcom 9.6 USAGE ----- The following files are used or generated inputfile 8 kHz sampled data file 16 bit PCM (binary) outputfile 8 kHz sampled data file 16 bit PCM (binary) bitstreamfile binary file containing bitstream The following parameter is used for the encoder dtx_option = 1 : DTX enabled 0 : DTX disabled coder inputfile bitstreamfile dtx_option decoder bitstreamfile outputfile



  • michaltina :
  • sslstudy :
    还不会编译。资源内容和&quot;G.729编解码源代码&quot; 是相同的。 大小不一样只是因为该文件里多了个chm文件,但是和资源本身无关。
  • xue1989ying :
  • lx830075 :


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