Addison.Wesley.Real-Time Design Patterns.chm

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Real-Time Design Patterns: Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems By Bruce Powel Douglass Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : September 27, 2002 ISBN : 0-201-69956-7 Pages : 528 When creating real-time and embedded (RTE) systems, there is no room for error. The nature of the final product demands that systems be powerful, efficient, and highly reliable. The constraints of processor and memory resources add to this challenge. Sophisticated developers rely on design patterns—proven solutions to recurrent design challenges—for building fail-safe RTE systems. Real-Time Design Patterns is the foremost reference for developers seeking to employ this powerful technique. The text begins with a review of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation and semantics then introduces the Rapid Object-Oriented Process for Embedded Systems (ROPES) process and its key technologies. A catalog of design patterns and their applications follows. Key topics covered in this book include: Identifying large-scale strategic decisions that affect most software elements Coordinating and organizing system components and subsystems Managing memory and resources Defining how objects can be distributed across multiple systems Building safe and reliable architectures Mapping subsystem and component architectures to underlying hardware The book's extensive problem-solving templates, which draw on the author's years in the trenches, will help readers find faster, easier, and more effective design solutions. The accompanying CD-ROM (Examples link) contains: Related papers Object Management Group (OMG) specifications Rhapsody(TM)—a UML-compliant design automation tool that captures the analysis and design of systems and generates full behavioral code with intrinsic model-level debug capabilities RapidRMA(TM)—a tool that integrates with Rhapsody(TM) to perform schedulability and timeliness analysis of UML models



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