Intelligent Mobile Projects with TensorFlow

上传者: demorngel | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 19:38:49 | 文件大小: 31.02MB | 文件类型: epub
Create Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning apps for multiple platforms with TensorFlow Key Features Build TensorFlow-powered AI applications for mobile and embedded devices Learn modern AI topics such as computer vision, NLP, and deep reinforcement learning Get practical insights and exclusive working code not available in the TensorFlow documentation Book Description As a developer, you always need to keep an eye out and be ready for what will be trending soon, while also focusing on what's trending currently. So, what's better than learning about the integration of the best of both worlds, the present and the future? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely regarded as the next big thing after mobile, and Google's TensorFlow is the leading open source machine learning framework, the hottest branch of AI. This book covers more than 10 complete iOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi apps powered by TensorFlow and built from scratch, running all kinds of cool TensorFlow models offline on-device: from computer vision, speech and language processing to generative adversarial networks and AlphaZero-like deep reinforcement learning. You'll learn how to use or retrain existing TensorFlow models, build your own models, and develop intelligent mobile apps running those TensorFlow models. You'll learn how to quickly build such apps with step-by-step tutorials and how to avoid many pitfalls in the process with lots of hard-earned troubleshooting tips. What you will learn Classify images with transfer learning Detect objects and their locations Transform pictures with amazing art styles Understand simple speech commands Describe images in natural language Recognize drawing with Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory Predict stock price with Recurrent Neural Network in TensorFlow and Keras Generate and enhance images with generative adversarial networks Build AlphaZero-like mobile game app in TensorFlow and Keras



  • gywangjun :
  • nicholas1328 :


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