上传者: caojiangbo600
上传时间: 2021-12-02 23:13:00
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日 期:2010.1.8
课程实际要求:网络聊天工具大多数由服务器程序和客户端程序组成。主要有两种类型,一种是类似QQ,MSN类型的,需要用户安装软件才能聊天,另一种即是只需打开WEB浏览器就可以聊天的,类似QQ聊天室的功能 ,本系统的目标即模仿QQ聊天室,开发一个简单的能在机房里供大家聊天的Web程序。
摘 要
随着计算机技术飞速发展的今天, 随着Internet的普及和发展, 人们的生活和工作也越来越离不开信息网络的支持, 而聊天室是人们最常见, 最直接的网上交流的方式。本网站以网络交友为主,为广大用户提供一个借助网络进行人际交往的平台,也是网络与现实最贴近的实用型平台。本文所介绍的网络聊天系统是基于开放的web服务器应用程序开发设计的,其主要特性是能动态完成信息的传递,且具有高效的交互性,更有效的处理客户请求, 且具有更简单, 更方便的数据库访问方法, 易于维护和更新.针对以上方案,本系统采用Html、JavaScript等语言开发网站页面,用JSP、Java的技术实现动态设计,采用现在很经典frame框架,用MySQL作为系统数据库。JSP是当前网络编程的主流语言,在现代企事业单位的网络应用程序的开发中起到了重要作用。本系统是根据实际的需求而设计,通过用户ID密码的论证解决方案,对实际应用领域进行深入的调查分析,已经基本上成功地实现了设计要求,实现了语音,视频聊天等。
With the rapid development of computer technology today, with the Internet's popularity and development of people's life and work are increasingly inseparable from the support of the information network, while the chat room was the most common and most direct way of online communication. This site web dating mainly provide customers with a network of interpersonal relationships with the platform, but also network and the practical reality is most close to the platform. This paper described a network chat system is based on an open web server application development and design, and its main feature is dynamically complete the transmission of messages and has a highly efficient interactive, more effective handling of customer requests, and has a simpler and more easy database access methods, easy to maintain and update. view of the above program, the system uses Html, JavaScript and other language development web site pages, using JSP, Java dynamic design of the technology, using the framework is now very classic frame, using MySQL as a database. JSP is the current mainstream network programming language, in the modern enterprises in the development of web applications play an important role. This system is based on