Python Reinforcement Learning Projects - 2018.pdf

上传者: benjamin_blue | 上传时间: 2021-07-14 11:49:05 | 文件大小: 28.77MB | 文件类型: PDF
Can You Train a Dog to Sit? If so, You Can Master Reinforcement Learning in No time! Welcome to the world of reinforced learning. This is a world where self-driving cars can be seen on real roads, where programs can beat world champions, where robots are not only a part of futuristic movies. Sound too scientifically involved for your expertise? Don?t worry; reinforcement learning is much more straightforward than you think. You do not need a college degree or to be a world-class developer in order to build a reinforcement learning application. Some rudimentary Python programming skills and a basic knowledge of Machine Learning is all it takes for this book to turn you into an RL expert. By describing the concept of reinforcement learning in a simple, non-technical way, teaching you its elements, applications, and algorithms in the most comprehensive way possible while giving you a great jumping-off point with some amazing Python implementations, this book is a definite must-have for everyone who wants to master this popular branch of AI without drowning in the technical nonsense. Inside this Book You?ll Discover: The elements of reinforcement learning Reiniforcement Learning vs. other learning types Simulated evironments and Policies A guide to Markov Decision Processes Dynamic Programming An exploration of Monte Carlo Methods The secrets to Q Learning And much, much more! If this sounds like a good deal to you, read this book and become a Reinforcement Learning expert in a matter of days.




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