macOS Unlocker 2.1 for VMware Workstation 11/12/14(VM14破解补丁)

上传者: askxiaoyu | 上传时间: 2022-12-30 20:49:35 | 文件大小: 15.46MB | 文件类型: GZ
支持最新版VM14 破解 macOS Unlocker for VMware V2.1 ============================== +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | IMPORTANT: | | ========== | | | | Always uninstall the previous version of the Unlocker before using a new | | version. Failure to do this could render VMware unusable especially ESXi. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. Introduction --------------- Unlocker 2.1 is designed for Workstation 11/12/14, Player 7/12/14, ESXi 6.5 and Fusion 7/8/10. If you are using an earlier product please continue using Unlocker 1 and use Unlcoker 2.0 for ESXi 6.0 Version 2 has been tested against: * Workstation 11/12/14 on Windows and Linux * Workstation Player 7/12/14 on Windows and Linux * Fusion 7/8/10 on Sierra * ESXi 6.5U1 The patch code carries out the following modifications dependent on the product being patched: * Fix vmware-vmx and derivatives to allow macOS to boot * Fix vmwarebase .dll or .so to allow Apple to be selected during VM creation * Fix on ESXi 6 to allow use with vCenter * Download a copy of the latest VMware Tools for macOS Note that not all products recognise the darwin.iso via install tools menu item. You will have to manually mount the darwin.iso for example on Workstation 11 and Player 7. The vmwarebase code does not need to be patched on macOS or ESXi so you will see a message on those systems telling you that it will not be patched. In all cases make sure VMware is not running, and any background guests have been shutdown. The code is written in Python as it makes the Unlocker easier to run and maintain on ESXi. 2. Prerequisites ---------------- The code requires Python 2.7 to work. Most Linux distros, ESXi and macOS ship with a compatible Python interpreter and should work without requiring any additional software. Windows Unlocker has a packaged version of the Python script using PyInstaller, and so does not require Python to be installed. 3. Limitations -------------- If you are using VMware Player or Workstation on Windows you may get a core dump. Latest Linux and ESXi products are OK and do not show this problem. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | IMPORTANT: | | ========== | | | | If you create a new VM using version 11, 12 or 13 hardware VMware may stop | | and create a core dump. There are two options to work around this issue: | | | | 1. Change the VM to be HW 10 - this does not affect performance. | | 2. Edit the VMX file and add: | | smc.version = "0" | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 4. Windows ---------- On Windows you will need to either run cmd.exe as Administrator or using Explorer right click on the command file and select "Run as administrator". win-install.cmd - patches VMware win-uninstall.cmd - restores VMware win-update-tools.cmd - retrieves latest macOS guest tools 5. Linux --------- On Linux you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. You may need to ensure the Linux scripts have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 2 files. - patches VMware - restores VMware lnx-update-tools.cmd - retrieves latest macOS guest tools 6. macOS -------- On macOS you will need to be either root or use sudo to run the scripts. This is really only needed if you want to use client versions of macOS. You may need to ensure the macOS scripts have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 2 files. - patches VMware - restores VMware 7. ESXi ------- You will need to transfer the zip file to the ESXi host either using vSphere client or SCP. Once uploaded you will need to either use the ESXi support console or use SSH to run the commands. Use the unzip command to extract the files. <<< WARNING: use a datastore volume to store and run the scripts >>> Please note that you will need to reboot the host for the patches to become active. The patcher is embbedded in a shell script which is run at boot from /etc/rc.local.d. You may need to ensure the ESXi scripts have execute permissions by running chmod +x against the 2 files. - patches VMware - restores VMware There is a boot option for ESXi that disables the unlocker if there is a problem. At the ESXi boot screen press shift + o to get the boot options and add nounlocker. Note: 1. Any changes you have made to will be lost. If you have made changes to that file, you will need to merge them into the supplied file. 2. The unlocker needs to be re-run after an upgrade or patch is installed on the ESXi host. 3. The macOS VMwwre tools are no longer shipped in the image from ESXi 6.5. They have to be downloaded and installed manually onto the ESXi host. For additional details see this web page:



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