TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018

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=========================================== TeeChart Pro Activex Control v2018 MS .NET COMPATIBILITY Copyright (c) 1997-2018 by Steema Software SL All Rights Reserved. http://www.steema.com email: info@steema.com supportx@steema.com =========================================== Document updated: June 2004 TeeChart Pro Activex Control MS Visual Studio .NET compatibility notes =========================================== Please see the release.txt release notes for bugfix and feature information about this release. =========================================== Changes for NET compatibility - The Chart.Series(xx) read-only property has been replaced by a Function method (affects only code written in VC++ and similar languages that make direct reference to Get_ and Set_ of properties). The new Series method (called Series) changes visibly by removal of the property 'Get_' element of the Function. The change is required due to a current MS.NET import restriction causing non-import of ActiveX properties that have an index parameter (only affects the root level of controls !). For a VB application no code change is necessary. Please see the following notes for other environments. The original property has been hidden in the interface and renamed to aSeries keeping its existing Dispid to support backward compatibility with applications compiled with previous releases of TeeChart 5. - The TChart OnSeriesBeforeAdd method uses a boolean variable called 'Continue'. "continue" is a keyword in C# (the language used to interim compile TeeChart namespace information in .NET). This had caused an import problem with the earlier releases of Visual Studio .NET. As a precaution we have chosen to rename the parameter to 'MoreValues' for the TeeChart Pro ActiveX Control. Notes on use: ------------- - Constant names in NET require full reference by default: eg. AxTChart1.AddSeries(Te



  • luckydaxiang :
  • dxshenhua :
  • xuyihan2009 :


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