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解压密码 The Birth and Death of the Personal ComputerIn the 1970s, while their contemporaries were protesting the computer as a tool of dehumanization and oppression, a motley collection of college dropouts, hippies, and electronics fanatics were engaged in something much more subversive. Obsessed with the of getting computer power into their own hands, they launched from their garages a hobbyist movement that grew into an industry, and ultimately a social and technological revolution. What they did was invent the personal computer: not just a new device, but a watershed in the relationship between man and machine. This is their story.Fire in the Valley is the definitive history of the personal computer, drawn from interviews with the people who made it happen, written by two veteran computer writers who were there from the start. Working at InfoWorld in the early 1980s, Swaine and Freiberger daily rubbed elbows with people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates when they were creating the personal computer revolution.A rich story of colorful individuals, Fire in the Valley profiles these unlikely revolutionaries and entrepreneurs, such as Ed Roberts of MITS, Lee Felsenstein at Processor Technology, and Jack Tramiel of Commodore, as well as Jobs and Gates in all the innocence of their formative years.This completely revised and expanded brings the story to its completion, chronicling the end of the personal computer revolution and the beginning of the post-PC era. It covers the departure from the stage of major players with the deaths of Steve Jobs and Douglas Engelbart and the retirements of Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer; the shift away from the PC to the cloud and portable devices; and what the end of the PC era means for issues such as personal freedom and power, and open source vs. proprietary software.,解压密码
2021-08-30 19:07:11 14.5MB 英文
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:rocket: 密码-gen-cli 厌倦了每次在某个地方注册时都想着新密码!? 别再担心了。 我让你蒙了。 :winking_face: :backhand_index_pointing_right: 特征 :key: 生成随机密码 :clipboard: 无需复制密码。 只需按⌘ Command + V将其粘贴到您要粘贴的位置。 :top_hat: 安装 全局安装 CLI。 如果您是 Windows 用户,请以管理员身份运行命令提示符/终端。 如果您是 macOS 用户,请在以下命令前添加sudo 。 npm i -g password-gen-cli 您也可以使用 npx 来使用它。 npx password-gen-cli :building_construction: 用法 通过在终端/命令提示符中键入以下命令来运行 CLI。 这将生成密码并将其复制到剪贴板上。 您唯一需要做的就是将其粘贴到您要注册的位置。 pgen 将生成一个随机密码,然后将其复制到剪贴板。 :high_voltage: 其他项目 我整理了我所创作的所有开源项目的。 拿出来看看。
2021-08-04 22:05:05 302KB nodejs javascript cli password-generator
:man_police_officer: 注意:由于 Firebase 函数的冷启动时间很长,我切换到在 Vercel 上部署 NextJS 应用程序。 因此,此 repo 将不再维护。 希望在 NextJS 和 Firebase 中快速启动项目的 React 开发人员的样板 构建和部署此样板并开始开发您的项目,而无需从头开始构建整个基础架构 非常适合前端开发人员,随附开箱即用的身份验证和基本配置文件管理 特征 开箱即用的服务器端渲染和代码拆分 身份验证- 电子邮件/密码、社交登录提供商、基本配置文件管理 待办事项清单示例 堆 Firebase - 快速构建应用程序,无需管理基础设施(数据库、存储、托管、服务器) NextJS - 通用服务器渲染 React 应用程序的简约框架 Redux - JavaScript 的可预测状态容器 保持最小,这样你就可以选择你的技术堆栈 感谢 Firebase 和 NextJS,您可
2021-08-04 22:05:03 206KB react boilerplate firebase authentication
:robot: 梅西(Discord Self Bot) 第一个自动加入 discord selfbot - 只需一个命令即可将其加入您的服务器 :wrench: 要求 Discord 帐户令牌 Node.js v12.0.0 或更新版本 :rocket: 开始 如果您使用的是 Heroku 主机,请记住在此字段中输入令牌 git clone cd im-parsa npm install :books: 安装 首先你需要 使用前在终端中安装npm install模块运行机器人node index.js然后使用 :red_circle: 不要忘记在index.js输入帐户令牌 :red_circle:
2021-08-04 14:05:54 52KB discord discord-bot discord-js discord-selfbot
2021-08-03 09:49:47 4.06MB 检测数据集