2021-04-19 11:28:28 483KB 破解 license calcseed lmcryptgui
文章格式化编辑 繁简体相互转换 文字挑错功能(1000个错别字词库) 可定制段前是否空格 只需鼠标点击 全傻瓜式操作 文字挑错实例:洁白无暇(洁白无瑕),黄梁美梦(黄粱美梦),美仑美奂(美伦美奂)
2021-04-13 20:03:56 409KB 网络编辑必备工具箱
压缩包包含操作手册、安装文件(Source Insight 4-最新版本4.0.0106)、激活文件,Source Insight是开发linux内核,其他sdk源码必备开发工具
2021-04-06 00:41:22 881KB ps必备工具
支持Unity2018 Trying to reduce your game build to less than 50 MB? Need to see which of your assets are eating up disk space? This tool provides a nice front-end for Unity's build info. It shows the assets included when you build and how much storage space each of them take. DLL List: See exactly what Mono DLLs are getting included in your build and how much space they take. Unused Assets List: Maybe you have files you don't use anymore? See what assets are not included in your build with the Unused Assets List! Save to XML: Save your build reports to XML files! Store multiple build reports for reference, or perhaps send them to your teammates. Project Settings: See what build settings were used on the project upon time of building. Useful for Continuous Integration systems when reviewing settings on automated builds. Also works on Personal Edition and mobile. For support or inquiries, send a tweet to @AnomalusUndrdog, send me a private message on the Unity forums, or join the discussion in our Unity forum thread
2021-03-30 16:19:34 267KB Unity 打包 工具
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微信第三方平台开发官方提供的工具库文件,主要用于提供满足与第三方平台服务器通信要求的PHP工具函数,可以直接调用进行加解密。 注意事项: 1.WXBizMsgCrypt.php文件提供了WXBizMsgCrypt类的实现,是用户接入企业微信的接口类。Sample.php提供了示例以供开发者参考。errorCode.php, pkcs7Encoder.php, sha1.php, xmlparse.php文件是实现这个类的辅助类,开发者无须关心其具体实现。 2.WXBizMsgCrypt类封装了 DecryptMsg, EncryptMsg两个接口,分别用于开发者解密以及开发者回复消息的加密。使用方法可以参考Sample.php文件。 3.加解密协议请参考微信公众平台官方文档。
2021-03-08 18:07:19 11KB 微信第三方平台开发 PHP WXBizMsgCrypt
2021-01-28 01:25:15 693KB super.img打包必备工具
本软件是Office Word的插件工具,可以直接安装,并在word或wps软件中使用。
2020-02-03 03:11:30 664KB office word
一款免费的Word插件,为Word增加众多实用功能。为word提供了转换成中文标点、多个文档批量查找替换、添加千位分隔符 、添加人民币大写金额、去除VBA工程保护、获取文档限制编辑的保护密码等众多实用功能。
2020-02-03 03:00:51 664KB Word 工具箱 工具 Word工具