SPI程序请大家需要的话下载void SPI_Init(void); // Configure MAXQ2000 and MAX3420E IO pins for SPI
BYTE Reset_MAX(void); // Reset the MAX3420E
void wreg(BYTE r,BYTE v); // Write a MAX3420E register byte
void wregAS(BYTE r,BYTE v); // Same as 'wreg' but also set the ACKSTAT bit in the SPI command byte
BYTE rreg(BYTE r); // Read a MAX3420E register byte
BYTE rregAS(BYTE r); // Same as 'rreg' but also set the ACKSTAT bit
void readbytes(BYTE reg, BYTE N, BYTE *p); // Read N MAX3420E FIFO bytes into the array p
void writebytes(BYTE reg, BYTE N, BYTE *p); // Write N MAX3420E FIFO bytes into the array p
BYTE MAX_Int_Pending(void); // Poll the MAX3420E INT pin (set for active low level)
void std_request(void);
2022-05-08 10:49:03