安卓应用-社交聊天-果果语音手机版 v1.1.30 安卓最新版.zip
2021-08-15 01:42:28 26.15MB 安卓应用-社交聊天-果果语音手机
2021-08-13 14:03:44 468KB python面试
Ext3的默认蓝色主题用了这么多年是不是早看腻了?这里有30款不同的新主题,看看你喜欢哪个? :) 旧品打折啦!
2021-08-13 12:19:16 4.76MB Ext3 颜色 主题 皮肤
本数据库非常不错 小巧好用 绿色后的解压就可以使用
2021-08-13 09:31:05 10.75MB 迷你SQL1.30
2021-08-12 20:03:54 738KB 资源达人分享计划 loading HTML
The mapped global annual urban dynamics (GAUD) and green recovery from 1985 to 2015 at a 30-m resolution. This part of data is organized by 10-degree grids (totally 224). Shapefiles of 10-degree grids can be found in "grids_world.zip". Urban expansion data is packaged in "urban_grid_i.zip" (i ranges from 0 to 223). Green recovery data is packaged in "green_grid_0-223.zip". Their format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, values from 1985 to 2015 demonstrate the urbanized or green recovery year, while 0 means no data. (2) The interpreted samples of urban extent in 1985 and 2015, and urbanized year during 1985 and 2015. This part of data is for examining the accuracies of our data fusion and temporal segmentation approach. Interpreted urban extent is packaged in "Ref_tif_clip_1985.rar" and "Ref_tif_clip_2015.rar". Its format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, value 1 means urban areas, while 0 means non-urban areas. Valid samples of urbanized year can be found in "validation_urbanized_year.xls". (3) A demo of NUACI calculation and urbanized years dectection can be found at link: https://code.earthengine.google.com/1c901129fa8c9d81b292824e8fb4ff1c
The mapped global annual urban dynamics (GAUD) and green recovery from 1985 to 2015 at a 30-m resolution. This part of data is organized by 10-degree grids (totally 224). Shapefiles of 10-degree grids can be found in "grids_world.zip". Urban expansion data is packaged in "urban_grid_i.zip" (i ranges from 0 to 223). Green recovery data is packaged in "green_grid_0-223.zip". Their format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, values from 1985 to 2015 demonstrate the urbanized or green recovery year, while 0 means no data. (2) The interpreted samples of urban extent in 1985 and 2015, and urbanized year during 1985 and 2015. This part of data is for examining the accuracies of our data fusion and temporal segmentation approach. Interpreted urban extent is packaged in "Ref_tif_clip_1985.rar" and "Ref_tif_clip_2015.rar". Its format is GeoTiff, and for each pixel, value 1 means urban areas, while 0 means non-urban areas. Valid samples of urbanized year can be found in "validation_urbanized_year.xls". (3) A demo of NUACI calculation and urbanized years dectection can be found at link: https://code.earthengine.google.com/1c901129fa8c9d81b292824e8fb4ff1c
超级好用的毕业论文开题报告 PPT通用(精选版)模板1 (30).pptx
2021-08-12 19:02:14 15.06MB ppt模板 毕业答辩
更新于11月3日,在亲测可用。 华为荣耀/Mate 30手机,荣耀/Mate 30 pro手机安装谷歌全家桶方法。 第一步:解压两个文件夹到USB/SD卡根目录(Huawei文件夹必须在根目录,即“挂在盘符\Huawei\……”)。 第二步:设置-系统和更新-备份和恢复-外部储存-USB储存/外置储存卡(此步骤主要使用Huawei文件夹内容)。 第三步:安装Google文件夹下所有apk软件,使用谷歌服务助手激活。 第四步:重启手机,在设置中会出现Google的账户选项,桌面第三步安装的软件会只剩下Google Play,剩下的就是安装自己想要的Google软件了。
2021-08-12 18:56:43 78.43MB GMS HUAWEI Google Google
2021-08-12 13:19:56 2KB EMC iDRAC 30天试用许可