《微服务架构基础(Spring Boot+Spring Cloud+Docker)》
2022-05-07 12:16:12 143.57MB 微服务 spring
2022-05-07 07:50:41 1.98MB SpringBoot 人脸识别登录
Pro Spring Boot is your authoritative hands-on practical guide for increasing your Spring Framework-based enterprise Java and cloud application productivity while decreasing development time using the Spring Boot productivity suite of tools. It’s a no, non-sense guide with case studies of increasing complexity throughout the book. This book is written by Felipe Gutierrez, a Spring expert consultant who works with Pivotal, the company behind the popular Spring Framework. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications that you can almost “just run”. The goal is to allow you to get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration. Spring Boot provides a radically faster and widely accessible getting started experience for all Spring development and provides a range of non-functional features that are common to large classes of projects (e.g. embedded servers, security, metrics, health checks, externalized configuration); and with absolutely no code generation nor requirements for XML configurations. After you read and use this book, you’ll be able to more quickly and most productively develop complex Spring applications and even microservices – out of the box – with minimal fuss on things like configurations. This book will let you fully leverage the Spring Boot productivity suite of tools and how to apply them through the use of a few case studies as well.
2022-05-06 11:51:11 16.16MB Pro Spring Boot Apress
2022-05-06 09:01:10 1.44MB android 启动优化 android优化 性能优化
在Microsemi SmartFusion2 FPGAs上实现安全启动的研究资料
2022-05-05 22:00:10 1.03MB 安全启动 secureboot FPGA安全 系统安全
基于官网极验验证demo,使用spring boot 2 整合极验验证,导入idea直接可用。
2022-05-05 19:00:13 130KB spring boot2 极验 验证码
Spring Boot入门到精通
2022-05-05 18:34:27 67B springboot
项目参考地址:https://blog.csdn.net/wsk1103/article/details/80214238 使用 Spring Boot 一键式启动。 下载项目,运行c2c.sql文件,然后运行 UsedTradingPlatformApplication.main 方法即可启动。 环境 jdk1.8 mysql5.7 先在数据中创建名为c2c的数据库,使用Navicat for MySQL运行 c2c.sql文件创建表和导入数据
2022-05-04 15:48:11 82.82MB spring boot 源码软件 后端