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2022-01-22 10:26:56 3.89MB Spire.Pdf .Net 去水印 破解版
2022-01-20 18:02:52 9.64MB python 开发语言 后端
/** * 使用方法 * Thumbnails.of(String 图片路径) * .scale(double 缩小比例 0~1) * .outputQuality(double 图片质量0~1) * .rotate(int 旋转角度0-360) * .outputFormat(String png,jpg...修改后缀) * .toFile(String 新图片路径) * .sourceRegion(Positions.BOTTOM_RIGHT,int 宽度,int 高度) Positions.BOTTOM_RIGHT 位置 * .watermark(位置 Positions.TOP_RIGHT,ImageIO.read(new File(水印图)),透明度 0.9f) */
2022-01-20 18:02:38 90KB Thumbnails java缩略图水印处理
pdflib乃打印pdf格式的 开源库,这是破解版本 欢迎下载
2022-01-19 16:40:45 8.72MB pdflib 无水印 打印pdf格式文件
wpf带文字水印背景输入框优美登录界面。使用C# wpf写的无边框,可随意拖动的登录界面。账号密码输入框添加有背景文字水印。支持缩小和退出。
2022-01-19 10:06:14 240KB C# wpf
2022-01-19 09:04:41 337.33MB 广东真题 期中期末月考 2021-2022
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2022-01-18 18:09:07 1.51MB 手机验证码 短视频去水印
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2022-01-18 13:06:14 4.65MB Aspose.Words
Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Manning Publications; 1 edition (June 29, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 161729232X ISBN-13: 978-1617292323 This book helps readers build successful games with the Unity game development platform. You will use the powerful C# language, Unity's intuitive workflow tools, and a state-of-the-art rendering engine to build and deploy mobile, desktop, and console games. Unity's single codebase approach minimizes inefficient switching among development tools and concentrates your attention on making great interactive experiences. Unity in Action teaches you how to write and deploy games. You'll master the Unity toolset from the ground up, adding the skills you need to go from application coder to game developer. Each sample project illuminates specific Unity features and game development strategies. As you read and practice, you'll build up a well-rounded skill set for creating graphically driven 2D and 3D game applications. You'll need to know how to program, in C# or a similar OO language. No previous Unity experience or game development knowledge is assumed. What's Inside Program characters that run, jump, and interact Build code architectures that manage the game's state Connect your games to the internet to download live data Deploy games to platforms including web and mobile Covers Unity 5
2022-01-17 13:53:38 14.77MB Unity in Action