国外原版经典教材,傅立叶变换及其应用(The Fourier Transform And Its Applications)
2022-04-04 10:49:00 128.47MB 傅立叶变换
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Second Edition presents linear algebra as the theory and practice of linear spaces and linear maps with a unique focus on the analytical aspects as well as the numerous applications of the subject. In addition to thorough coverage of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, game theory, and numerical analysis, the Second Edition features student-friendly additions that enhance the book's accessibility, including expanded topical coverage in the early chapters, additional exercises, and solutions to selected problems. Beginning chapters are devoted to the abstract structure of finite dimensional vector spaces, and subsequent chapters address convexity and the duality theorem as well as describe the basics of normed linear spaces and linear maps between normed spaces. Further updates and revisions have been included to reflect the most up-to-date coverage of the topic, including: The QR algorithm for finding the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint matrix The Householder algorithm for turning self-adjoint matrices into tridiagonal form The compactness of the unit ball as a criterion of finite dimensionality of a normed linear spaceAdditionally, eight new appendices have been added and cover topics such as: the Fast Fourier Transform; the spectral radius theorem; the Lorentz group; the compactness criterion for finite dimensionality; the characterization of commentators; proof of Liapunov's stability criterion; the construction of the Jordan Canonical form of matrices; and Carl Pearcy's elegant proof of Halmos' conjecture about the numerical range of matrices. Clear, concise, and superbly organized, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Second Edition serves as an excellent text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in linear algebra. Its comprehensive treatment of the subject also makes it an ideal reference or self-study for industry professionals.
2022-03-07 09:34:21 2.17MB linear algebra
David 的线性几何及其应用,线性代数的专业教材。
2022-03-07 09:31:32 8.55MB linear algebra
这是Shun-ichi Amari所著的一本关于信息几何及其应用的书籍,希望对研究相关方向的小伙伴有用。
2022-02-14 23:17:52 6.14MB 信息几何
Linear_Algebra_and_Its_Applications_5th_Edition_David_C._Lay, 线性代数及其应用, 第五版.
2022-02-14 09:49:40 29.27MB 线性代数
An Evaluation Study on Log Parsing and Its Use in Log Mining
2022-02-10 08:46:32 298KB 研究论文
2022-02-09 09:04:00 10.48MB 离散数学
这是一本经典的数学史作品,而作者John Stillwell 在读者中享有 通俗易懂 的盛誉,有兴趣的同学可以搜一搜其在 GTM(斯普林格 研究生数学丛书)收录的教科书,而这一部 数学史 是 著名图书《复分析:可视化方法》作者强烈推荐的配套阅读图书,所以 郑重地推荐给大家阅读。 顺便说下:这本图书有第二版,但无论第一版第二版均没有授权给国内出版 以及译作,而Google上给出的是部分内容,所以我费了不少的周折从网上搜到下载,很抱歉,是第一版,Djvu格式,同学可以下载阅读器即可,而且个人来说 这一个格式相较 PDF 更小,而且效果不打折扣,作为电子书阅读 在一定程度上 比PDF更佳。
2022-02-07 20:04:24 8.76MB 数学 数学史 复分析可视化方法
整理收集了Unity中开发交通系统的插件,允许用户快速创建和模拟小或大的动态交通网络的任何类型的车辆通过放置不同的道路和交通灯 节省了大量的时间! 不需要编写交通AI代码! 直接开始制作你的游戏,而不是编写代码! 你可以创建真正复杂的道路网络! 创建任意形状和数量的车道,即市区道路,高速公路,各种道路都可以模拟!
2022-01-11 10:33:36 64.15MB Unity插件 交通系统 iTS
2022-01-10 19:14:48 1.92MB 区块链 联邦学习