Pro TBB C++ Parallel Programming with Threading Building Blocks
2021-10-26 17:01:56 129.35MB C++ TBB
使用 Tekton Pipelines 和 Triggers 自动交付应用程序,以更快、更有效地部署新版本 主要特点 了解如何使用 CI/CD 工具创建强大的管道 了解如何直接在云原生环境中运行、部署和测试应用程序 探索 Tekton Pipelines 2021 的新功能 Tekton 是一个强大而灵活的 Kubernetes 原生开源框架,用于创建持续集成和持续交付 (CI/CD) 系统。它使您能够跨多个云提供商或本地系统构建、测试和部署。 使用 Tekton 构建 CI/CD 系统涵盖了在云原生环境中开始构建管道和自动化应用程序交付所需了解的一切。通过动手实践,您将了解基本构建块,例如任务、管道和工作区,您可以使用它们来组成 CI/CD 管道。随着您的进步,您将了解如何将这些 Tekton 对象与 Tekton Triggers 结合使用,以在 Kubernetes 集群中自动交付您的应用程序。 在本书结束时,您将学习如何组合 Tekton Pipelines 并将它们与 Tekton Triggers 结合使用以构建强大的 CI/CD 系统。
2021-10-18 17:10:46 10.71MB ci/cd kubernetes tekton
解决某些版本word2007无法添加页码的问题,可以利用Building Blocks.dotx office 2007页码模板进行修复
2021-10-18 02:07:01 330KB Building Blocks
City Building GameKit插件
2021-10-17 22:48:27 99.24MB Unity RTS 城建
2021-10-15 16:46:08 1.73MB software 软件开发 管理团队
如果你想学数据仓库,这本书是最好的了。在数据仓库中类似于C++ primier,java编程思想的地位
2021-10-14 10:38:09 6.7MB 数据仓库 IMMON 中文版 DW
2021-10-13 21:33:09 10.73MB building
二摘代码MATLAB 形态建筑物指数,一种新颖的建筑物提取方法,是由新晃于2011年提出的。(从多光谱GeoEye-1影像中自动提取建筑物的多方向和多尺度形态指数。PERS,2011)MBI的成功之处在于它的高速性和简单。 建筑物提取的过程不需要监督学习。 但是,缺点主要在于蔬菜和水的混乱,道路和山区的混乱。 因此,从那时起,研究了一系列的后处理策略。 (用于高空间分辨率遥感影像的新建筑物提取后处理框架,JSTAR,2017年)在此项目中,我们在Matlab上对MBI及其后处理框架进行编码。 这里列出了open_by_reconstruction / close_by_reconstruction.m以加载某些功能。 该项目的核心是mbi.m和postprocessing.m。 在mbi.m中,我们实现MBI的所有步骤并输出MBI特征图像。 在postprocessing.m中,我们实现了后处理框架中的主要步骤,包括面积填充Kong,阈值和长度-宽度阈值,最后以bmp的形式输出建筑图。 该项目的输入是两个图像。 同一区域的RGB 3通道图像和NIR-RG 3通道图像。
2021-10-10 15:12:29 6KB 系统开源
This book is about a new approach to design, construction, and facility management called building information modeling (BIM). It provides an in-depth understanding of BIM technologies, the business and organizational issues associated with its implementation, and the profound impacts that effective use of BIM can provide to all parties involved in a facility over its lifetime. The book explains how designing, constructing, and operating buildings with BIM differs from pursuing the same activities in the traditional way using drawings, whether paper or electronic.
2021-09-23 15:45:47 13.07MB BIM Handbook
Learn the tricks of the trade so you can build and architect applications that scale quickly--without all the high-priced headaches and service-level agreements associated with enterprise app servers and proprietary programming and database products. Culled from the experience of the lead developer, Building Scalable Web Sites offers techniques for creating fast sites that your visitors will find a pleasure to use.Creating popular sites requires much more than fast hardware with lots of memory and hard drive space. It requires thinking about how to grow over time, how to make the same resources accessible to audiences with different expectations, and how to have a team of developers work on a site without creating new problems for visitors and for each other.Presenting information to visitors from all over the world Integrating email with your web applications Planning hardware purchases and hosting options to have as much as you need without breaking your wallet Partitioning and distributing databases to support large datasets and simultaneous transactions Monitoring your applications to find and clear bottlenecks* Providing services APIs and using services from other providers to increase your site's reach and capabilitiesWhether you're starting a small web site with hopes of growing big or you already have a large system that needs maintenance, you'll find Building Scalable Web Sites to be a library of ideas for making things work. 无PDF口令
2021-09-22 01:25:55 4.58MB Web 建站