(多媒体)OceanStor Dorado 分布式文件系统 原理多媒体
2022-07-11 14:02:51 12.12MB 华为 集中式存储 固态存储 OceanStorDorado
2022-07-11 12:00:45 23KB 互联网
Ice 分布式程序设计(马维达译)文档版本,超详细介绍。
2022-07-11 09:41:28 3.23MB Ice
2022-07-11 09:11:06 2.66MB 文档资料
2022-07-11 09:11:05 405KB 文档资料
2022-07-11 09:11:05 1.88MB 文档资料
2022-07-11 09:11:04 593KB 文档资料
Raft is a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log. It produces a result equivalent to (multi-)Paxos, and it is as efficient as Paxos, but its structure is different from Paxos; this makes Raft more understandable than Paxos and also provides a better foundation for building practical systems. In order to enhance understandability, Raft separates the key elements of consensus, such as leader election, log replication, and safety, and it enforces a stronger degree of coherency to reduce t
2022-07-10 21:03:33 537KB 数据库 分布式一致性协议
Paxos Replicated State Machines as the Basis of a High-Performance.pdf Conventional wisdom holds that Paxos is too expensive to use for high-volume, high-throughput, data-intensive applications. Consequently, fault-tolerant storage systems typically rely on special hardware, semantics weaker than sequential consistency, a limited update interface (such as append-only), primary-backup replication schemes that serialize all reads through the primary, clock synchronization for correctness
2022-07-10 21:03:32 362KB 数据库 分布式一致性协议 paxos
DB - Paxos vs Raft - Have we reached consensus on distributed consensus.pdf Distributed consensus is a fundamental primitive for constructing fault-tolerant, strongly-consistent distributed systems. Though many distributed consensus algorithms have been proposed, just two dominate production systems: Paxos, the traditional, famously subtle, algorithm; and Raft, a more recent algorithm positioned as a more understandable alternative to Paxos.
2022-07-10 21:03:31 508KB 数据库 分布式一致性协议 paxos raft