2024-03-25 22:59:18 34.53MB html5 源码
Egret是一套完整的HTML5游戏开发解决方案。Egret中包含多个工具以及项目。Egret Engine是一个基于TypeScript语言开发的HTML5游戏引擎,该项目在BSD许可证下发布。使用Egret Engine开发的游戏可发布为HTML5版本,运行于浏览器之中。同时,也可以发布为iOS、Android和WindowsPhone原生程序。
2024-03-23 10:26:52 26.77MB Egret
可在HTML5 + JavaScript上运行的麻将应用程序“ Cyber​​麻将” 演示 执照 作者 npm脚本 命令 描述 release 为发布而构建。 build 为调试而构建。 build:js 仅构建用于调试JavaScript。 build:css 仅构建CSS。 build:html 仅构建HTML。 test 执行单元测试。 test:cover 使用覆盖率报告执行单元测试。 文档 程序结构 数据结构,例如Tehai 网络麻将的分数格式 通道数计算 查找听众数量的程序(Chitoitsu,Kokushi Musou) 查找听众人数的程序(普通手版(重新)) 查找听众人数的程序(普通手版(重新)) 程序以查找侦听器的数量(修改后的版本) 完成点计算 程序计算麻将的胜利分数 麻将取胜点的计算-列出情况角色和抽奖角色 查找中奖表格(特殊表格)的程序 查找中奖
2024-03-23 10:22:40 2.57MB JavaScript
2024-03-21 13:50:42 1.09MB vue react
HTML5与CSS3权威指南 针对win8应用开发。指导
2024-03-19 15:47:51 34.24MB HTML5 CSS3 权威指南
untiy webgl 打开 PDF文件
2024-03-17 14:11:01 3KB untiy webgl
2024-03-15 12:58:10 80.17MB AVProVideo 海康摄像头
UMP is universal Media Framework plugin for Unity that based on Video LAN Codec (libVLC) native libraries. Support E-mail: unitydirectionkit@gmail.com Try: Demo (Win64) Demo (Mac64) Important: - Please read user manual before start use UMP; - For possibility to use external/installed VLC libraries you should install the regular VLC player (Unity 64-bit Editor == VLC player 64-bit); - Doesn't support Android & iOS platforms without UMP Pro (Android, iOS); - For correct work with UMP Pro (Android, iOS) package at first import UMP Pro (Android, iOS) package and after it import UMP Pro (Win, Mac, Linux) package in your project; Main features: + Included full C# source code; + Full compability with UMP Pro (Android, iOS); + Supported platforms: * Windows (x86, x86_64); * Mac (x86_64); * Linux (x86, x86_x64, Universal); * WebGL (experimantal) - supported media formats and browser compatibility Checked on next OS: Win - 7, 8, 8.1, 10; Mac - 10.10 Yosemite, 10.11 El Capitan; Linux - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS; WebGL - Firefox, Chrome. + Supported possibility to use external VLC libraries; + Supported possibility to easy switch subtitles (SPU) and audio tracks; + Supported Unity Audio Source component (only Win, Mac & Linux); + Supported transparent videos; + Supported possibility to get pixels of current video frame; + Supported video hosting services: * Youtube (don't support: everything private (private videos, bought movies, ...), don't support "Youtube Live Streams"); + Full compatibility with Unity Editor on supported platforms in different modes (fast native texture updates): Direct3D9, Direct3D11 and OpenGL; + Supported local video file playback, main formats (only for Win, Mac & Linux): 3GPP (.3gp), AVI (.avi), FLV (.flv), SWF (.swf), M4V (.m4v), Matroska (.mkv), Ogg Video (.ogg), QuickTime File Format (.mov, .qt), WebM (.webm), Windows Media Video (.wmv). + Supported main streaming media protocols (only for Win, Mac & Linux): HTTPS, HTTP, HLS, RTSP, RTMP. + Supported main video player events: Opening, Buffering, Playing, Paused, Stopped, Ended, Error. + Supported full logging system from native library in Unity Editor for more debugging possibility with different depth: Warning, Debug, Error. + Supported main video player features, like: play, pause, mute, playback rate, rewind, snapshot, (SRT) subtitles, possibility to switch the audio output and ect...
2024-03-11 15:13:42 147B Unity RTSP WebGL
2024-03-03 09:21:27 2.18MB 网站源码 前端模板
dragloader.js是一个面向移动Web开发的JavaScript库,帮助开发者在使用页面原生滚动时,模拟上/下拉手势,实现Pull to Request操作。 dragloader.js是一个面向移动Web开发的JavaScript库,帮助开发者在使用页面原生滚动时,模拟上/下拉手势,实现Pull to Request操作。 dragloader.js是一个面向移动Web开发的JavaScript库,帮助开发者在使用页面原生滚动时,模拟上/下拉手势,实现Pull to Request操作。 dragloader.js是一个面向移动Web开发的JavaScript库,帮助开发者在使用页面原生滚动时,模拟上/下拉手势,实现Pull to Request操作。 dragloader.js是一个面向移动Web开发的JavaScript库,帮助开发者在使用页面原生滚动时,模拟上/下拉手势,实现Pull to Request操作。
2024-03-02 16:24:45 9KB Html5 上拉刷新 下拉刷新