PSD文件导出为SVG格式,save-ps-to-svg1.0.jsx 在PS的script目录中加入后,直接导出形状即可
2021-09-07 13:25:53 2KB ps svg
Microsoft+Office2007加载项_Microsoft+Save+as+PDF(正式版) Microsoft+Office2007加载项_Microsoft+Save+as+PDF(正式版)
mdk keil软件--单片机开发遇到的问题...
2021-09-02 14:04:17 78KB mdkkeil
支持ps将形状图片转化为 svg的脚本,文件需要放到 PS 安装目录下的 /Presets/Scripts 下
2021-08-26 17:18:32 2KB svg ps ps导出svg
Android Studio记事本工程的add、save、back和delete按钮图标,主要应用于activity_main和notepad_item_layout文件中,运行之后点击按钮图标实现简单的记事本增删改查功能,图标正规而且完整,绝对独树一帜。
2021-08-25 22:46:35 19KB 按钮 图标 记事本
2021-08-24 22:08:04 417KB unity插件 unity3d 游戏存档
Every game relies on data. That's why we made Databox. A simple yet powerful data editor which allows you to manage and save all your data at one place. Use Databox for your game data, save games, game configurations, profiles, localisation... FEATURES Intuitive data editor - Manage all your data in one place Scriptable object workflow Runtime editor - Edit your data directly in your builds Read and save data at runtime NEW Load and Save asynchronously Supports all common Unity types + custom classes Import from GOOGLE spreadsheet or local CSV file Cloud sync - sync data to your MySQL webserver XOR Encryption Static keys generator for accessing tables, entries and values (instead of strings) Demo scenes included PlayMaker support FlowReactor support Powered by FullSerializer and OdinSerializer Runtime editor Balancing a game can be quite a hard task. That's why Databox has an easy to use runtime editor. It allows you to view and modify all of your data in your runtime build in a similar way to the editor in Unity. This is a great way to modify values while play-testing your game and do some quick value testings.
2021-08-16 14:11:07 121B unity unity3d
Easy Save makes saving and loading data simple by combining a serializer and storage into one neat package. Serialize just about anything and store it to file with ease. 可兼容 PC、Mac、Linux、Windows Universal、 iOS、tvOS、Android、Steam、WebGL 快速轻巧的序列化器 比 PlayerPrefs 更快 完整的文档记录 指南 示例和教程 API 参考 支持 PlayMaker 使用动作的保存和加载 支持 Bolt Visual Scripting 可轻松保存 Bolt 图形 5 星级客户支持 通过电子邮件和专属论坛 通过加密安全保存数据 加密保存数据 借助压缩功能压缩文件 平均压缩文件 85% 从 Web 保存和加载 使用 PHP 和 MySQL 上传和下载到云 跨平台保存数据 在所有支持的平台上使用保存文件和代码 保存几乎所有类型 甚至保存对 Unity 对象的引用 另存为电子表格 以 Excel 的 CSV 格式 文件 IO 甚至将字符串/字节保存为文件
2021-08-16 14:11:07 121B unity unity3d
2021-07-27 16:52:59 196KB 光照贴图 prefab
2021-07-26 13:05:29 2.63MB save the date 创意