机器人学导论(原书第3版) 《机器人学导论》(原书第3版)系统讲解机器人学的理论知识,主要内容包括:机器人操作臂的几何性质,引起操作臂运动的力和力矩,与操作臂机械设计有关的问题和控制方法,机器人编程方法等。《机器人学导论》(原书第3版)曾作为美国斯坦福大学机器人学导论的教材,经过两次修订。书中还包括大量分级的习题和编程作业,适合教学参考。   《机器人学导论》(原书第3版)可作为高等院校相关专业的教材或参考书,也可供相关技术人员参考。 Craig教授根据机器人学的特点,将理论和实际应用密切结合,按照刚体力学、分析力学、机构学和控制理论中的原理和定义对机器人运动学、动力学和控制中的原理进行了严谨的阐述,语言精练,内容深入浅出,例题简单易懂,体现出Craig教授在机器人学方面高深的造诣。《机器人学导论》(原书第3版)是当今机器人学研究领域的经典之作。
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Part I, JSP Application Basics Chapter 1 Explains how JSP fits into the big picture of web applications and how it compares to alternative technologies. Chapter 2 Describes the fundamental HTTP and servlet concepts you need to know to use JSP to its full potential. Chapter 3 An overview of the JSP features, as well as the similarities and differences between JSP pages and servlets. Also introduces the Model-View-Controller design model and how it applies to JSP. Chapter 4 Describes where to get the JSP reference implementation (Apache Tomcat) and how to set it up on your system. Also explains how to install the book examples. Part II, JSP Application Development Chapter 5 Examines the JSP basics, such as how to create, deploy, and run a JSP page, as well as how to use the JSP elements to generate dynamic content. Chapter 6 Describes what a JavaBeans component is and how it can be used effectively in a JSP page. Chapter 7 Describes what a custom tag library is and how to deploy and use one, and introduces the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). Chapter 8 Explains how an HTML form can be used to send data to a web application and how to process the data using JavaBeans and JSTL, as well as what to be aware of when generating dynamic output. Chapter 9 Describes the kinds of errors you may encounter during development of a JSP-based application, and strategies and JSP features that help you deal with them. Chapter 10 Explains the JSP features that let you separate different types of processing in different pages to simplify maintenance and further development. Also describes how sessions can build up information over a sequence of requests from the same user, and how information that applies to all users can be shared using the application scope. Chapter 11 Describes how you can develop actions for a custom tag library as tag files, i.e., regular text files with JSP elements. Chapter 12 Provides a quick overview of relational databases, JDBC, and SQL basics, and introduces the JSTL actions for reading, updating, and deleting database data. Chapter 13 Describes how authentication and access control can be implemented using container-provided and application-controlled mechanisms, and how to use the information about who the current user is to personalize the web pages. Chapter 14 Explains internationalization and localization, the Java features available to implement an internationalized application, and describes the set of JSTL actions that support development of multilingual web sites. Chapter 15 Explains how JSP can generate XML content as well as process XML input using the JSTL XML actions. Chapter 16 Describes the JSP elements that let you embed Java code directly in your JSP pages and the type of errors you must be prepared to deal with when you use this feature. Chapter 17 Covers various areas not discussed in previous chapters, such as using the JSP page XML syntax, combining JSP with client-side code, reusing JSP file segments by including them in JSP pages, precompiling JSP pages, and more. Part III, JSP in J2EE and JSP Component Development Chapter 18 Provides an overview of J2EE and web application architectures using JSP in combination with other Java technologies. Chapter 19 Describes in detail how JSP can be combined with servlets, as well as the listener and filter component types, using the popular Apache Struts framework. Chapter 20 Provides details about JavaBeans components as they relate to JSP, including threading and synchronization concerns for session and application scope beans, as well as how using JavaBeans components can make it easier to migrate to an EJB architecture. Chapter 21 Describes the JSP Tag Extension mechanism and how to use it to develop custom tag libraries, using many of the custom actions used in the previous chapters as examples. Chapter 22 Explains the more advanced features that can be leveraged by custom actions, such as developing cooperating actions, syntax and usage validation, attribute value type conversions, and more. Chapter 23 Describes all the integration hooks provided by the JSTL specification and how to develop custom actions, servlets, listeners, and filters that take advantage of them. Chapter 24 Provides a brief introduction to JDBC and explains the various strategies available for efficient use of databases in a web application, such as setting up a connection pool and making it available to the application components through the servlet context or JNDI, encapsulating database access code in separate classes or in custom actions, and more. Part IV, Appendixes Appendix A Contains descriptions of all standard JSP 2.0 elements. Appendix B Contains descriptions of all standard JSTL 1.1 elements, programming interfaces, and support classes. Appendix C Contains a description of the JSP EL syntax and rules. Appendix D Contains descriptions of all implicit objects available in a JSP page as defined by the servlet and JSP APIs, as well as the tag extension mechanism classes and interfaces. Appendix E Contains a description of the custom actions, beans, and utility classes used in the examples. Appendix F, Web Application Structure and Deployment Descriptor Reference
2022-02-24 09:59:29 2.11MB JSP英文版