The first edition, published in 1973, has become a classic reference in the field. Now with the second edition, readers will find information on key new topics such as neural networks and statistical pattern recognition, the theory of machine learning, and the theory of invariances. Also included are worked examples, comparisons between different methods, extensive graphics, expanded exercises and computer project topics. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department.
2022-03-17 01:26:23 14.42MB 机器学习
1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.
2022-03-16 11:59:03 60MB DevPartner C++
1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.
2022-03-16 11:57:54 60MB DevPartner C++
1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.
2022-03-16 11:56:26 56.69MB DevPartner C++
1、下载所有压缩包分卷,用haozip解压压缩包 2、After several months of sprinting along with Microsoft's agile cadence for Visual Studio 2015, today DevPartner offers to the market DevPartner Studio 11.3. Devpartner Studio packs a set of tools together for code troubleshooting for the professional developer. The 11.3 release tackles the latest Microsoft development platform Visual Studio 2015 and Operating System Windows 10, while keeping true to its BoundsChecker roots set in native development. Full Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft IDE. DevPartner Studio still handles VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013. Both 64-bit and 32-bit applications, making it easy for developers to migrate and troubleshoot multiple versions of their code. Full Support for Microsoft Windows 10 x86 and x64. .NET 4.6 support across C#, VB, and web. Great for anyone evaluating or migrating to the latest Microsoft .NET applications, especially for mixed .NET plus native architectures.
2022-03-16 11:47:57 60MB DevPartner C++
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How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics 2004 Springer 2nd Edition by Michalewicz & Fogel ISBN: 3540224947 554 pages 无缺页) PDF format
2022-03-15 21:39:48 28.84MB Modern Heuristics 2nd
Primo Ramdisk Professional Edition 5.3.0破解版
2022-03-14 16:52:32 1.8MB PrimoRamdiskProfessionalEdition
ModelSim-Altera 10.1b (Quartus II 12.1) Starter Edition 仿真软件。
2022-03-14 11:51:59 6MB 仿真