由日本学者Junji Ohtsubo所著的,描述半导体激光器稳定,失稳定和混沌效应的专著。该专著由Springer出版
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The Fundamentals Of Digital Semiconductor Testing
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Lattice FPGA CPLD Semiconductor 全系列芯片原理图库+PCB封装库(AD集成库): Lattice FPGA EC.IntLib Lattice FPGA ECP.IntLib Lattice FPGA ECP2.IntLib Lattice FPGA ECP2M.IntLib Lattice FPGA MachXO.IntLib Lattice FPGA MachXO2.IntLib Lattice FPGA SC.IntLib Lattice FPGA XP.IntLib Lattice FPGA XP2.IntLib Lattice iCE40 Lattice iCE40.IntLib Lattice Semiconductor ECP3.IntLib Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000B.IntLib Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000C.IntLib Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V.IntLib Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000Z.IntLib Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000ZE.IntLib
Realtek Semiconductor co. , Ltd RTL8111 / 8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller r8168-8.002.00.tar.bz2
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半導體器件-物理與工藝(Semiconductor Devices,Physics and Technology)【施敏】
2022-09-30 07:27:19 30.14MB Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology
这是Purdue教授Peide (Peter) Ye的全套授课课件,以及4次作业和解答,另附两次special lecture on STM_AFM and XPS_UPS_Auger。内容非常翔实,包括各种业界通用的半导体表征技术。适合当工具查阅
2022-09-12 14:03:35 50.92MB 半导体 材料
在本文中,我们探索了快速模逆算法及其实现。 我们首次提出了基数为8的模数算法来加快SM2公钥密码算法中的点乘法,该算法是由中国国家密码管理局于2010年12月发布的,被确立为中国商业应用的ECC标准。我们的SM2硬件实现的关键路径延迟是一个单周期256位乘法器的延迟,这很难进一步降低。 进一步优化的可能性是,在将Jacob坐标转换回仿射坐标时,可以减少二进制模逆所需的循环数,而无需更改关键路径延迟。 与radix-4二进制逆算法相比,radix-8二进制逆算法平均可将周期数平均减少33.2%,而radix-4二进制逆算法最多需要256个周期才能完成转换。
2022-09-06 08:17:43 284KB Cryptography Public administration Semiconductor
Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications in Communications, Computing,and Sensing 2019 Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part1.rar (16.1 MB, 下载次数: 115 ) Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part2.rar (16.1 MB, 下载次数: 130 ) 2019-7-23 08:45 上传 点击文件名下载附件 下载积分: 资产 -6 信元, 下载支出 6 信元 Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part3.rar (16.1 MB, 下载次数: 126 ) Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part4.rar (16.1 MB, 下载次数: 122 ) Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part5.rar (298.5 KB, 下载次数: 64 ) Making processing information more energy-effcient would save money, reduce energy use and permit batteries that provide power to mobile devices to run longer or be smaller in size. New approaches to the lower energy requirement in computing, communication and sensing need to be investigated. This book addresses this need in multiple application areas and will serve as a guide in emerging circuit technologies. Revolutionary device concepts, sensors and associated circuits and architectures that will greatly extend the practical engineering limits of energy-effcient computation are being investigated. Disruptive new device architectures, semiconductor processes and emerging new materials aimed at achieving the highest level of computational energy effciency for general purpose computing systems need to be developed. This book will provide chapters dedicated to such efforts from process to device.
2022-09-01 08:49:03 55.09MB Low Power Semiconductor  Devices
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control
2022-09-01 08:36:35 5.02MB Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing