MyBase7.2安装包+破解程序+教程(冰河大神亲做), 使用方法: 1、官网下载V7.2版本 2、使用压缩包的myBase.exe替换mybase根目录的myBase.exe 3、随便注册
2021-08-31 20:23:02 15.57MB MyBase Desktop 破解
2021-08-28 18:01:07 35.54MB 查看笔记文件
2021-08-22 21:42:13 3.69MB myBase
2021-07-13 17:00:51 49.98MB md
mybase6.0.2 破解正式版,官方发布日期2011-10-10 解除所有限制 winXP、win7下亲测均可用 Update Notes. 1.Fixed: a bug in bookmark locating. 2.Fixed: a bug in the rtf-to-text parser, which applies to search, word count, index, etc. 3.Fixed: a bug in the toolbar, size corruption on the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message. 4.Fixed: a bug that may crash the program on loading databases containing very long item titles. 5.Fixed: comments on attachment not indexed 6.Added: an INI entry to save the specified path to nyfview.exe for creating .exe database. 7.Added: the dropdown list on toolbar, listing the Go back/forward history entries. 8.Added: the 'Organize' menu onto the main menu, as many users can't find the 'Sort child items' utility, which is also located in the 'Outline' action menu. 9.Added: Alt-Drag to create symbolic links. 10.Added: the ability to index shortcut files 11.Added: the 'Arrange child windows on running queries' option: Tile vertically/horizontally and Cascade 12.Added: an option to scan titles only within the 'Search by RegExp' plugin. 13.Improved: auto-select the item-link tab when an item link is created. 14.Improved: auto-select the attachment tab when an attachment is added. 15.Improved: auto-open the relation pane when info item is linked. 16.Improved: auto-switch the relation tabs to show existing links/labels. 17.Improved: performance on searching for western words in ASCII. 18.Improved: the [Export html document] utility, RTF to HTML conversion added. 19.Improved: Force to update search results when running same queries again, to reflect if any changes since the last query. 20.New plugin: [Link calendar by parsing date]: Create links with calendar date by parsing date strings written in titles. 21.New plugin: [Create labels by custom icons]: Create labels by custom icons applied to info items, and apply the labels accordingly. 22.New plugin: [Import MSIE bookmarks]: Import URLs from within MSIE favorites folder and save as hyperlinks in RTF notes. 23.New plugin: [Search by icons
2021-07-10 13:00:11 1.91MB mybase6.0.2 正式版 破解
mybase7.0是非常好用的笔记制作软件,可以生成chm. 但是可能会出现乱码。这里是由我改写的chm制作脚本。上传到安装目录的\plugins目录下后,重启mybase, 会在工具菜单下出现"CHM 制作"项,即可使用。主要原理是在生成的中间html头部添加《meta charset="gb2312"》,这样制作出的chm不会再有乱码存在。其次修改了chm中的链接的打开方式,使之在外部浏览器中打开。
2021-07-02 13:21:46 37KB mybase chm nyfedit7.0
2021-06-20 09:01:02 15.89MB MyBase 7.3
2021-06-14 13:23:47 13.79MB mybase 笔记 知识库管理
MyBase大家已经不陌生了,不知道的可以度娘下。一直使用MyBase苦于无法在手机上阅读,闲暇时做了个小应用来阅读MyBase中到出的Html页面。 使用步骤: 1、MyBase--->工具--->导出树形页面(Html Tree) 2、导出的html放置到手机SD卡/MyBase下,app会固定读取其中的index.html页面 源码已附上,可以自行修改,大家一起修改,莫忘分享。后期本人也会继续审计版本,让其更强大。
2021-05-28 21:58:54 45.33MB MyBase Android
2021-05-12 00:53:31 3.29MB 办公笔记