MyBase Desktop 6.0.2 破解正式版(官方更新至10/10/2011)

上传者: sk1024 | 上传时间: 2021-07-10 13:00:11 | 文件大小: 1.91MB | 文件类型: RAR
mybase6.0.2 破解正式版,官方发布日期2011-10-10 解除所有限制 winXP、win7下亲测均可用 Update Notes. 1.Fixed: a bug in bookmark locating. 2.Fixed: a bug in the rtf-to-text parser, which applies to search, word count, index, etc. 3.Fixed: a bug in the toolbar, size corruption on the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message. 4.Fixed: a bug that may crash the program on loading databases containing very long item titles. 5.Fixed: comments on attachment not indexed 6.Added: an INI entry to save the specified path to nyfview.exe for creating .exe database. 7.Added: the dropdown list on toolbar, listing the Go back/forward history entries. 8.Added: the 'Organize' menu onto the main menu, as many users can't find the 'Sort child items' utility, which is also located in the 'Outline' action menu. 9.Added: Alt-Drag to create symbolic links. 10.Added: the ability to index shortcut files 11.Added: the 'Arrange child windows on running queries' option: Tile vertically/horizontally and Cascade 12.Added: an option to scan titles only within the 'Search by RegExp' plugin. 13.Improved: auto-select the item-link tab when an item link is created. 14.Improved: auto-select the attachment tab when an attachment is added. 15.Improved: auto-open the relation pane when info item is linked. 16.Improved: auto-switch the relation tabs to show existing links/labels. 17.Improved: performance on searching for western words in ASCII. 18.Improved: the [Export html document] utility, RTF to HTML conversion added. 19.Improved: Force to update search results when running same queries again, to reflect if any changes since the last query. 20.New plugin: [Link calendar by parsing date]: Create links with calendar date by parsing date strings written in titles. 21.New plugin: [Create labels by custom icons]: Create labels by custom icons applied to info items, and apply the labels accordingly. 22.New plugin: [Import MSIE bookmarks]: Import URLs from within MSIE favorites folder and save as hyperlinks in RTF notes. 23.New plugin: [Search by icons



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