Fundamentals of Inertial Navigation, Satellite-based Positioning and their Integration。做导航的都懂这本书的好坏
2020-02-13 03:17:34 8.49MB 惯性导航 组合导航
2020-01-15 03:14:05 14.67MB SLAM
2019-12-21 22:04:35 16.54MB 惯性导航
InertialExplorer8.6用户手册 差分数据解算软件用户手册
2019-12-21 21:59:19 904KB Inertial Explorer
Inertial Explorer 是 NovAtel 公司 Waypoint 产品组研发的强大的、可配置度高的事后处理软件,用于处理所有可用的 GNSS、INS 数据,提供高精度组合导航信息,包括位置、速度和姿态信息。针对精度和稳定性要求比较高,不需要实时定位导航信息的应用,可以通过 GNSS 和 INS 原始数据后处理的方式,提高组合导航解算精度和稳定性。
2019-12-21 21:45:21 3.95MB NovAtel
Tightly-Coupled Monocular Visual-Inertial Fusion for AutonomousFlight of Rotorcraft MAVs
2019-12-21 21:38:23 2.23MB vior 港科大沈老师
Mohinder S. Grewal (作者),‎ Lawrence R. Weill (作者),‎ Angus P. Andrews (作者)
2019-12-21 21:10:40 12.82MB IMU
Mohinder S. Grewal的第三版Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration [ISBN: 978-1118447000]。 An updated guide to GNSS, and INS, and solutions to real-world GNSS/INS problems with Kalman filtering Written by recognized authorities in the field, this third edition of a landmark work provides engineers, computer scientists, and others with a working familiarity of the theory and contemporary applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Navigational Systems, and Kalman filters. Throughout, the focus is on solving real-world problems, with an emphasis on the effective use of state-of-the-art integration techniques for those systems, especially the application of Kalman filtering. To that end, the authors explore the various subtleties, common failures, and inherent limitations of the theory as it applies to real-world situations, and provide numerous detailed application examples and practice problems, including GNSS-aided INS (tightly and loosely coupled), modeling of gyros and accelerometers, and SBAS and GBAS. Drawing upon their many years of experience with GNSS, INS, and the Kalman filter, the authors present numerous design and implementation techniques not found in other professional references. The Third Edition includes: Updates on the upgrades in existing GNSS and other systems currently under development Expanded coverage of basic principles of antenna design and practical antenna design solutions Expanded coverage of basic principles of receiver design and an update of the foundations for code and carrier acquisition and tracking within a GNSS receiver Expanded coverage of inertial navigation, its history, its technology, and the mathematical models and methods used in its implementation Derivations of dynamic models for the propagation of inertial navigation errors, including the effects of drifting sensor compensation parameters Greatly expanded coverage of GNSS/INS integration, including derivation of a u
2019-12-21 20:01:28 8.77MB GNSS GPS INS 组合导航