Digital Signal Processing 4th Edition 作者: John G. Proakis / Dimitris K. Manolakis 扫描版,3/3
2019-12-21 20:20:43 33.62MB Digital Signal Processing 4th
The new version of 6S (4.1) is available: download: 6sv4.1.tar.Z from ( (use ftp for transfer, user:anonymous passwd:"your email") then change directory to 6S NB:6sv4.1.tar.Z is compressed (standart unix compress) Please register to the user mailing list by writing to: The MICROSOFT WORD document (version 6.0 for Macintosh, in AppleSingle format) of the manual is also available. It has been split in 3 parts : 6smanv2.0_P1_msw 6smanv2.0_P2_msw 6smanv2.0_P3_msw Make sure you download the files in binary mode (either by ftp or Fetch). A compressed version of the files is also available : 6smanv2.0_P1_msw.Z 6smanv2.0_P2_msw.Z 6smanv2.0_P3_msw.Z Use the "uncompress" unix command to retrieve the original Word documents, prior to transfer them to Mac or PC. A PostScript and a PDF version of the manual are also available :,, 6smanv2.0_P1.pdf, 6smanv2.0_P2.pdf, 6smanv2.0_P3.pdf
2019-12-21 20:19:25 5.69MB 6S (4.1)
Microphone array signal processing 高清彩色版,给真正需要的人,希望大家不要转化为商业目的,仅供学习交流
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synthetic aperture radar signal processing with MATLAB algorithms.pdf John wiley&Sons, Inc;
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使用系统调用fork()创建两个子进程,再用系统调用signal()让父进程捕捉键盘上的中断信号(即按DEL键);当捕捉到中断信号后,父进程用系统调用Kill()向两个子进程发出信号,子进程捕捉到信号后分别输出下列信息后终止: Child Proeess 1 is Killed by Parent! Child Process 2 is Killed by Parent! 父进程等待两个子进程终止后,输出如下的信息后终止: Parent Process is Killed! (站在巨人的肩膀上)
2019-12-21 20:11:00 768B fork() signal() kill()
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Mallat的《信号处理的小波导引》的第三版 经典程度不用多说 PDF版本
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Noise and Vibration Analysis is a complete and practical guide that combines both signal processing and modal analysis theory with their practical application in noise and vibration analysis. It provides an invaluable, integrated guide for practicing engineers as well as a suitable introduction for students new to the topic of noise and vibration. Taking a practical learning approach, Brandt includes exercises that allow the content to be developed in an academic course framework or as supplementary material for private and further study.
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Solutions Manual for Digital Signal Processing using Matlab - Second Edition
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